This package implements the DPM in a parameterised way, for use by decision makers looking to create scenarios and assess the projections.
- Set up your
file with the following variables:
Server = ""
Githubpat = ""
Where the Server is the name of the SQL server, and Githubpat is a PAT Token to your GitHub Account. The first is so you can access SQL database, the second is so that you can download this package, as it's in a private repo.
- Install required non-CRAN packages by running the following code:
- Install the package. The best way of doing this is running
devtools::install_github("nhs-bnssg-analytics/dpm",auth_token = Sys.getenv("Githubpat"))
- Run the DPM! There are some example workflows in the folder
. For a workflow with simple initial conditions see01-workflow-basic.R
. For an example workflow using the SQL connections see03-workflow-sql.R