A modern database manager to easily connect to a modern database in Java. Fast, easy, and reliable manager to connect, and use.
The following databases are currently supported in this database manager:
- MongoDB
- MariaDB
- H2
To start using this database manager, follow these steps. Start by pulling the github repository by using the following command
$ git clone https://github.com/Nextflow-Cloud/database-manager.git
- Next, you will want to get the database folder from the github repository locally downloaded and bring it to the root of your project. This way you can easily access the database manager files without having to go through a long package name.
- Then, implement your methods in the DBUtils.java file, if you need to you can see the example in the DBUtils.java file.
- Finally, import the DBUtils file and configure the connector and classes.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license. You can find more information on the license in the file named LICENSE under this repository, or at this website.
Contributing currently is not allowed to the general public. However when contributing is allowed to the public, we will put the contributing notice, and rules in the file named CONTRIBUTING.md on this repository.