This playbook makes digital rebar provision servers
- Put a ssh public key in secrets/pubkey.for.drpuser
- This should be a key your ansible user is configured to try
- Not much: a bare-bones install and the root password
- preferrably a machine nobody has logged into
- Tested against 'minimal' install of RHEL7.
- ssh to nosuchuser@ to save the host key, then ctrl-c
- add the hostname to the drpservers section in hosts
- for each host added, run the 'firstrun' tag (use the root password)
$ ansible-playbook t firstrun -e "ansible_ssh_user=root" -k site.yml -l <hostname>
- run the whole playbook on everybody
$ ansible-playbook site.yml
- Your network definitions. And decide how you are going to run this ...
- once they're built, depend on this to be running and have the uuid in complete state so it doesn't boot to sledgehammer?
- create a task in the complete stage to turn off pxeboot ... or at least have pxe after disk (only if disk is not bootable)
- build subnets out completely and remove dhcp helper that points here?
- something else? or combination of above?
Your own OS images, integrated with kickstarts and pushing into your post-buildout workflows ...
more fancy ipmi tasks and stages
why not do something useful instead of sledgehammer-wait if you've got the machines powered on?
GOTO step 0
Do step 3
Step 3 sounds good
start making roles in a new branch, and do step #3 ...
- Make some vms (on your kvm host)
$ for i in $(seq 1 9); do ./ ; done
- Wait a bit until they boot and register - then start building (on your drp server)
$ sleep 180 && dodrp list
$ dodrp buildall
- There is no step three. But if you want to clean stuff up:
On your host:
$ for i in $(seq 1 10); do sudo virsh destroy bootmonkey${i} ; done
$ for i in $(seq 1 10); do sudo virsh undefine bootmonkey${i} ; done
$ for i in $(seq 1 10); do sudo rm -f /storage/bootmonkey${i}.qcow2 ; done
And on your drp server:
$ dodrp deleteall