Just some directons on how to get pyglet setup on osx. Windows / Linux users come see me
Just follow these steps (skip ones if you already have done it). More directions are below
- Install XCode through the Mac App store
- Install the command line tools
- Install homebrew (http://brew.sh)
- Install extras through homebrew
- Install pyglet through hg
- Download avbin
- Install avbin
- Test all the things!
Open the mac app store, search for xcode; install XCode. XCode is huge (2GB+). So go for a walk or grab a drink. This will be a while.
Q. Why do I have to install XCode?
A. Because OSX is a silly place and doesn't ship a compiler without forcing the developer download the whole XCode env...
Open XCode(heads up, the initial load of XCode is SLOOOOOOOW) and accept the Terms of Use. Once this is done, open the preferences (cmd + ,) and go to downloads. From there select command line tools and install them.
Q. Why do I have to install the command line tools?
A. Because while XCode gets you a compiler, it doesn't include some of the helpful things / shortcuts for the command line.
Now that you have installed XCode plus the command line tools, it's time to install homebrew. From the official docs:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
This will downloand and install homebrew for you. Once it's down run brew doctor
and make sure to fix any warnings / errors that show up there.
Q. Why do I need homebrew?
A. Homebrew is a package manager. Other sane operating systems (read Linux, not windows) already have ways of distrubuting modules of code / applications. Homebrew is one attempt at bringing this functionality to the mac (ie fink / macports are other ones). Have you ever downloaded / installed something only to have it tell you that you need to install something else first? Package managers are a way for the computer to figure all that out for you.
brew install wget
Also download Hg from the website and install it http://mercurial.selenic.com/
Q. What is hg
A. Hg is also known as mecurial, which is a similar tool to git that the pyglet developers chose to use instead.
hg clone https://pyglet.googlecode.com/hg/ && cd hg && sudo python setup.py install
In the cannonical documentation fashion, go get yourself a coffee as this step will take a while. Also you can download #6.
wget https://github.com/downloads/AVbin/AVbin/avbin-darwin-x86-64-v8.1.tar.bz2
Now unpackage the file and cd into the directory.
tar -xvjf avbin-darwin-x86-64-v8.1.tar.bz2 && cd avbin-darwin-x86-64-v8.1
tar -xvjf
will unpackage the archive and cd
will well, cd
into the unpacked directory
sudo ./install.sh
Open the python shell and runn the following commands. Your output should look similarish. If any of these don't work, something probably went wrong.
>>> import pyglet
>>> print(pyglet.version)
>>> print(pyglet.media.have_avbin)
2013-06-05 18:01:35.942 Python[9829:1307] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/5q/2x6kltrj12s4wgb18hnbkrtc0000gn/T/org.python.python.savedState
>>> print(pyglet.media.avbin.get_version())