This course contains slides for a 9-lesson course in mobile-app development, taking you from the absolute basics to building a simple CRUD application.
- See the accompanying code repository.
- See the description of the final project
- This page is also published online for public browsing.
The course is in German.
- Lesson 1: Vorstellung, Einführung und Aufsetzen von Werkzeugen
- Lesson 2: MVVM, Bindings, Controls, Debugging
- Lesson 3: Dialogs, Styling, IOC, Testing
- Lesson 4: Benachrichtigungen (Lokal/Push/Remote)
- Lesson 5: Hybrid-Apps
- Lesson 6: Security & Biometrie
- Lesson 7: Datenbanken (SQLite); Logging
- Lesson 8: LK1; Projektarbeit
- Lesson 9: MLZ Präsentationen; Themen nach Wahl