Sustainability is composed of five dimensions which are: individual, environmental, economic, technical and social sustainability.
Sustainable SWE is an amalgamation of climate science, software engineering, electricity markets and data centre design.
Eight principle (reference -
- Carbon: Build applications that are carbon efficient.
- Electricity: Build applications that are energy efficient.
- Carbon Intensity: Consume electricity with the lowest carbon intensity.
- Embodied Carbon: Build applications that are hardware efficient.
- Energy Proportionality: Maximize the energy efficiency of hardware.
- Networking: Reduce the amount of data and distance it must travel across the network.
- Demand Shaping: Build carbon-aware applications.
- Measurement & Optimization: Focus on step-by-step optimizations that increase the overall carbon efficiency.
** reference diagram from google cloud
** source - (
- Clean architecture for cloud services (microservices, data mesh, federated machine learning)
- Stop resources if you do not need it
- Endorse re-usability
- write code that consumes less energy. ML - energy efficient algorithm with higher accuracy.
- Application (code/ algorithm complexity) - time, space.
The Energy equation, Energy (J) = Power (W) x Time(s).
Power variable of the equation, which cannot be assumed as a constant, also has an impact on the energy.
** research paper ( - Use SaaS wherever possible - get help from existing provisioned infrastructure. Similar to a manual geared car. Starting a car from rest to motion is always expensive while the car is already in motion.
- LoC - The minimum the better
- Sustainability checks as a metrics should be part of sw/ data delivery
- Think of unnecessary data movement
- Cheap (spot instance) clusters - low cost does not necessarily mean low energy consumption
- When and where you run the application - generate less carbon footprint
- Lightweight application
** Energy rating marked software could be a future for SW products.
** Possibly a SW engineer could also get such ratings.
*** Petition: