A tool for querying/manupilating mail messages in command line, useful especially for shell scripts or one liners
To print HTML from email:
$ letterknife --html # shortcut for --select-part 'text/html' --print-content
To print email content only if From: header matches *@example.com
$ letterknife --from '*@example.com' --plain # shortcut for --match-address 'From:*@example.com' --select-part 'text/plain' --print-content
To save attached pdf file
$ letterknife --save-attachment 'application/pdf' # shortcut for --select-attachment 'application/pdf' --save-file
$ letterknife --help
Usage of letterknife:
--from <pattern> Shortcut for --match-address 'From:<pattern>'
--subject <pattern> Shortcut for --match-header 'Subject:<pattern>'
--html Shortcut for --select-part text/html
--plain Shortcut for --select-part text/plain
--match-address <header>:<pattern> Filter: address header <header>:<pattern> eg. "From:*@example.com"
--match-header <header>:<pattern> Filter: header <header>:<pattern> eg. "Subject:foobar"
--select-part <content-type> Select: non-attachment parts by <content-type>
--select-attachment <content-type> Select: attachments by <content-type>
--print-content Action: print decoded content (default true)
--print-header <header> Action: print <header>
--print-raw Action: print raw input as-is
--save-file Action: save parts as files and print their paths
--debug enable debug logging