Autonomous SLAM using a differential drive robot. This work is a project for Introduction to Robotics class.
There are two videos showing the whole setup in action: Building a map of the environment | ROS Gmapping | Octomap and Autonomous Robot navigation using the ROS Navigation.
This project was developed for ROS Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04). The following packages are required:
pointcloud_to_laserscan package, is used to convert a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan, this can be installed using:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-pointcloud-to-laserscan ros-noetic-rosbridge-server
To control the robot, you might need to install the teleop_twist_keyboard package and then run teleop_twist_keyboard
OctoMap is used to generate the 3D occupancy grid.
is used to interface OctoMap with ROS, both can be installed viaapt
. -
You'll need to install the OctoMap RViz plugin via
. Without it, occupancy grid visualisations in RViz will not work. -
You will also need to install the controller_manager package:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-controller-manager
The probabilistic localization system amcl is also needed, you can install it with:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-amcl
Note: you might need to install more packages depending on what you have previously installed, if you have any problem just google it, and install the package needed.
- Make sure you have the prerequisites installed.
- Clone this repo into your catkin workspace, e.g.
. - Clone aws-robomaker-small-house-world repo into your catkin workspace, e.g.
.- Add the following to your launch file:
<!-- Launch World -->
<include file="$(find aws_robomaker_small_house_world)/launch/small_house.launch"/>
- Source your ROS in the Bash instance:
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
andsource ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
. - Run
andsource ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Start the simulation using:
roslaunch aws_robomaker_small_house_world view_small_house.launch
. - Spawn the robot in the map using:
roslaunch navros_pkg urdf_gazebo_view.launch
. Keep this terminal running for all the next steps.
3D occupancy grid map | 2D occupancy grid map |
- Run the gmapping SLAM command:
roslaunch navros_pkg gmapping.launch
- Navigate to rviz folder using:
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
then run it using:rviz -d map.rviz
- For OCTOMAP use:
roslaunch navros_pkg octomap.launch
Then navigate to rviz folder using:cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
then run it using:rviz -d octomap.rviz
- To control the drone manually, you use:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
but it requires teleop_twist_keyboard package to be installed. - Once mapping is complete, Save the map:
rosrun map_server map_saver ~/catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/maps/name_of_map
if this command is not working for some reason, then run thisrosrun map_server map_saver
then copy the map generated in src directory to ~/catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/maps/ directory. Finally close everything, and relaunch gazebo only with the robot (repeat steps 6 and 7).
- To start the navigation using the previously generated map, run each of the following commands in a new terminal:
- A)
roslaunch navros_pkg amcl.launch map:='name_of_map'
if you picked a name for your map make sure to change name_of_map otherwise it should be map (check the name in the maps folder). - B)
roslaunch navros_pkg move_base.launch
- C)
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
thenrviz -d navigate.rviz
- Test navigation using rviz:
- Set initial pose (Click "2D pose estimate" and pinpoint the approximate location of robot on map).*
- Red arrows indicate the probable location.
- Set goal for the robot in RVIZ (Click "2D Nav goal" and pinpoint the desired goal on the map).
- Green line indicates the path planned.
- Thanks and PROFIT