phonegap version : 2.3
last update : 24/01/2013
PhoneGap plugin for creating and manipulating native loader/spinner above Cordova.
NOTE - Android is portrait only, barebones (many iOS features yet to be implemented T-T)
- For iOS, add the following frameworks:
- ImageIO.framework
position : "low" / "middle" / "high" - default "middle" position of spinner.
label : "my loading text" - default "loading..." text to show an empty string will not show any text. color : "#RGB" / "#ARGB" / "#RRGGBB" / "#AARRGGBB" / "transparent" - default #fff hex colour string with the wrong spelling of colour. bgColor : "#RGB" / "#ARGB" / "#RRGGBB" / "#AARRGGBB" / "transparent" - default #fff hex colour string with the wrong spelling of colour. opacity : 0.0 - default 0.4 float int between 0.0 and 1.0 for background black canvas spinnerColor : "white" / "grey" - default "white" Colour of Apple spinner if using Apple spinner showSpinner : true / false - default true shows an Apple spinner customSpinner : true / false - default false Override Apple Spinner with a gif (use customSpinnerPath to provide custom path if not default in bundle is used) Required -> showSpinner = true customSpinnerPath : "http://google.gif" / "var/applications/local/file.gif" / "default" - default "default" (default spinner stored in bundle) customer spinner must be gif (currently). Can be loaded from URL. NOT cached. Required -> customerSpinner = true width : 100 - default is natural custom image size int in pixels of spinner width if rescaling a custom spinner height : 150 - default is natural custom image size int in pixels of spinner height if rescaling a custom spinner spinLoops : 0 - default is 0, which specifies to repeat the animation indefinitely. int specifying the number of times to repeat the animation of a custom spinner spinDuration : 1.0 - default is equal to the number of images in the custom spinner multiplied by 1/30th of a second. Thus, if you had 30 images, the value would be 1 second. float indicating the time duration measured in seconds
Create spinner
wizSpinner.create(JSONObject options);
Show spinner options);
Hide spinner
Rotate spinner
This is handled by PhoneGap event listener, though you can force this if you wish.
wizSpinner.rotate(Int orientation);
Add this code to manually configure orientations
function shouldRotateToOrientation (orientation) { if (deviceIsReady == true) { switch (orientation) { case 0: // portrait normal window.wizSpinner.rotate(1); return true; break; case 90: // landscape left window.wizSpinner.rotate(3); return true; break; case -90: // landscape right window.wizSpinner.rotate(4); return true; break; case 180: // portrait upside down return false; break; } } }
function onDeviceReady() { deviceIsReady = true; }