1. Install Emacs Plus from Homebrew: https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus
brew install d12frosted/emacs-plus/emacs-plus \
--with-no-frame-refocus \
--with-xwidgets \
--with-imagemagick \
--with-native-comp \
2. Create the Emacs.app alias in /Applications
; adapt the version number in the file path if necessary:
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to make alias file to posix file "/usr/local/opt/emacs-plus@29/Emacs.app" at posix file "/Applications" with properties {name:"Emacs.app"}'
3. The Emacs.app maybe blocked due to MacOS security mechanisms. Apply the following commands to the actual app file (not to the alias in the /Applications
xattr -c /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus@29/Emacs.app
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus@29/Emacs.app