- Basil Ugbomoiko
- MD Mohsin Nur Robin
- Christian Roth
The official name of the business is Pathfinder.
We have 2 offices residing in 2 countries.
- Thiemstraße 39, Cottbus 03046, Germany. (Headquarter)
- 15/A Station Road, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh. (Branch)
Contact information
- email: [email protected]
- phone number: +49 10002000345, +880 1816714294
- facebook: www.facebook.com/pathfinder
- twitter: www.twitter.com/pathfinder
- instagram: www.instagram.com/pathfinder
Description about the business
The slogan of the business is as follows
"Make better educational decisions, make your life better, create a better world"Pathfinder is an online educational platform that helps students find the most suitable course for their respective study programs all over the world. It allows students to search, compare, and apply for a course in just 10 minutes. The portal also provides dedicated e-mail customer support within 24 hours.
Product, Services & Activities
This company will primarily operate through its website. Through the website, prospective students from all over the world can search through various courses and directly find links to the application processes of any university that fits their program preferences. The most appropriate course is found by going through a list of options that begins with the country, then the fields of interest, and finally the university or specific course you want, with one leading to the selection of the other depending on what was chosen first. Everything will be managed in a user-friendly manner to ensure proper accessibility.
In 2 ways users can register. Either as a student or as a guardian. Students can find their perfect course right after registering and guardians will have to submit documents proving their experience in a specific field such that they can later help students by replying to questions answered by students.
student: opening account --> select continent --> select country --> select field of study --> intended course OR select university --> links to application process of chosen university and course
guardian: opening account--> selecting field --> uploading documents --> "Thank you, we will review your registration and give you access if everything is deemed okay"
Furthermore there will be a specific website "ask questions" site for students, in which they can select a field (and then afterwards a specific course in that field if they want), leaving their e-mail for a future reply.
Guardians will have exclusive access to a "frequently asked questions" website. Guardians can only see questions in the fields for which they have registered. There should be a table with questions and their headers, and a guardian can click on it to see the full message with a text-field that is a reply body, which will later be sent to the original student who asked the question's e-mail.
These steps should be helpful to you to implement the website. This will be the flow of information step by step. So that users can have the best user experince with our website.
An example of 2 user personas
Here are 2 kinds of user that will have the majority percentage of users who would use our service.
- Glenn Quagmire
- Mikasa Ackerman
A brief profile description of both persons are goven below:
Every requirements for making the website has been attached in the webpages-list named html file. Please read carefully and implement thereby.
Parents job or decisions
Relatives job or decisions
Successful friends job or decisions
Idol’s way to success
Job market demand
We are not choosing our study field based on our abilities or our capabilities most of the time. We often don't have a good central point in which we can easily find the most suitable options based on our own interests
So, A student who is told to take Science never knows whether he would be good in Commerce or Arts or Humanities. In his long run, he may find that if he would just study those things he maybe in a better situation. So it's important to deliver some kind of solution to easily find any course in any country in any unviversity, to help future students make a decision on what they really desire rather than trying to find something that fits the bill.
- Students or individuals know all the courses offered in whatever location is available to them
- Anyone can explore all the options and possiblities
- Students and parents may know the better institution for the preferred subject all over their country and the world
- Before applying to university and being under time pressure the student will save time locating the necesarry programs and put more time into thinking what is the best choice
- Students have a mindset what they are going to learn and accomplish
- An app/website that will be accessible for all over the world
- Students can overview study fields very easily
- Guardians can offer support to students asking questions about specific courses or fields
- Necessary information will be placed in a systematic way altogether
- A platform from where they can connect with universities locally & globally
- A sample paper for all the documents needed for getting admitted to all the universities will be provided there
- Students opinion will get priority to select the university ranking
- The future WORK DEMAND will be shown very promptly
How should the website feel and look?
It is important that the website is inviting to anyone from all around the world. It should be fairly simple to understand and not try to aim at a specific audience but rather be very inviting. Also, it should invoke a feeling of advance and interest. Meanwhile, everything should still remain informal and educational. Thus it is important to choose colors that mix a feeling of education content with exploration and progression. We recommend to avoid overly gloomy and dark colors and making the website look "too corporate", while also not making it look too playful with extremely bright and too many colors. There should be a single base color like a medium blue that is complemented in cases some important information needs to be highlighted. Furthermore, none of the pages should contain too much elements or text. The importance is easy of navigation and easily finding an university and course, thus unecessary big pages with a lot of distraction should be avoided. Pictures and images are mostly to be used only in the pages like contacts and about us to give a more inviting feel but avoid them in the nagivation process until the actual course is reached. Only then it is okay to use more images and decorative elements again, as the user already reached the end of the nagivation and won't be confused by distractions. It is also important that the website can function on any kind of device with any kind of resolution. Text should be big enough that impared people can still easily dael with it. As a font something simple and not too fancy should be chosen, like "open sans condensend". It is important that the font looks pretty and inviting, but still simplistic and does not take away too much attention from the user. We recommend the following color palette:
- Jan Robert Meyer
- Nils Fiete Noerenberg
- Tristan Mark Nuck