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Organic and Synthetic fertilizer events

Sulay Shah edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Introduction - #3, #8, #10, #12

Organic and Synthetic fertilizer events are implemented based on Equation 11.1 of the IPCC document.


  • The configuration file contains the EF_1 variable structure based on Table 11.1 of the IPCC document. The emission factor has 4 values depending on the weather and type of fertilizer:
  1. Wet Climate
  2. Dry Climate
  3. Wet Climate and Synthetic fertilizer
  4. Default (if climate data is not available)
  • For the point example, the events are mentioned inside the eventqueue variable under events with the following example template:
  "date": {
    "$date": "2000/01/01"                          //Includes the date at which fertilizer is applied
  "id": 1, (eventId)
  "type": "agri.NFertEvent",                       //Type of event. agri.NFertEvent for synthetic and organic events
  "name": "Synthetic fertilizer",                  //Type of fertilizer: 1) Synthetic fertlizer, 2) Organic fertilizer
  "quantity": 100,                                 //Quantity of fertilizer applied (kgN)
  "runtime": 5                                     //Days over which emissions occur
  • For the spatial example, the eventqueue variable is kept empty and events are built for each land-unit using the BuildLandUnitModule


  • Based on the runtime of the event, an EmissionEvent is created for each of the days and the total emission is uniformly distributed over the runtime. EmissionEvent is created when the PreTimingSequence occurs because once the simulation (TimingInit) has begun FLINT is looping over the eventqueue and adding more events into the eventqueue will result in a runtime error.
  • The operation of emission occurs from soil pool to atmosphere pool.