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Tags: mob-sakai/UIEffect



chore(release): 5.2.3 [skip ci]

## [5.2.3](5.2.2...5.2.3) (2025-01-23)

### Bug Fixes

* `SamplingFilter.None` now correctly respects the sampling scale setting ([bc1578b](bc1578b))
* fix the shadow mode inspector in editor ([da53585](da53585))
* UIEffect may not work correctly when using `FallbackAtlas` with TextMeshProUGUI ([d3779f9](d3779f9)), closes [#298](#298)


chore(release): 5.2.2 [skip ci]

## [5.2.2](5.2.1...5.2.2) (2025-01-18)

### Bug Fixes

* in Unity 6, `Shadow Color` has no effect on TextMeshPro ([6e4d4ab](6e4d4ab)), closes [#297](#297)


chore(release): 5.2.1 [skip ci]

## [5.2.1](5.2.0...5.2.1) (2025-01-14)

### Bug Fixes

* shadow color being transparent at maximum `Shadow Fade` ([1d849e5](1d849e5)), closes [#296](#296)
* TextMeshPro is not displayed in prefab mode ([2b44837](2b44837)), closes [#295](#295)
* TextMeshProUGUI disappears when the Y-axis scale is changed ([8159c09](8159c09)), closes [#295](#295)


chore(release): 5.2.0 [skip ci]

# [5.2.0](5.1.0...5.2.0) (2025-01-07)

### Bug Fixes

* `Gradation` properties do not update when a preset is loaded ([edf6943](edf6943)), closes [#291](#291)
* an error occurs when saving a preset ([894c561](894c561)), closes [#293](#293)
* fix gradation gradient edge (angle gradient) ([0ef6027](0ef6027))

### Features

* `Angle Gradient` gradation supports fixed mode gradient ([7cb8325](7cb8325))
* `Angle Gradient` gradation supports RectTransform pivot ([2f63adf](2f63adf))
* add `Use HDR Color Picker` option for project settings (editor) ([1be0cd4](1be0cd4)), closes [#290](#290)
* the `Allow To Modify Mesh Shape` property should remain unchanged when loading a preset ([f7175c0](f7175c0)), closes [#294](#294)
* the `Sampling Scale` property should remain unchanged when loading a preset ([238a17d](238a17d)), closes [#292](#292)


chore(release): 5.1.0 [skip ci]

# [5.1.0](5.0.2...5.1.0) (2024-12-31)

### Bug Fixes

* changing the `shadowMirrorScale` property via code does not update the effect ([d9bf0e1](d9bf0e1))
* fix reverse direction mode for UIEffectTweener ([54825ee](54825ee)), closes [#281](#281) [#282](#282) [#283](#283)

### Features

* add `Color Glow`, `Transition Color Glow` and `Shadow Color Glow` options ([e9522d3](e9522d3))
* add `GradationMode.Angle` and `GradationMode.AngleGradient` ([08e9ba7](08e9ba7))
* add `OnComplete` event for UIEffectTweener ([aeb78ed](aeb78ed)), closes [#289](#289) [#188](#188)
* add `PlayOnEnable` option for UIEffectTweener ([1558736](1558736))
* add `SamplingScale` option ([2b43bc4](2b43bc4)), closes [#269](#269)
* add `Shadow Color` and `Shadow Blur` options ([d0a3ca6](d0a3ca6))
* add a button to swap gradation colors (editor) ([20a6ca0](20a6ca0))
* add option to not automatically plays tweener effect ([88609f5](88609f5))
* automatically display a dialog to import TextMeshPro support ([f2df188](f2df188))
* gradation feature ([bbe57df](bbe57df)), closes [#277](#277) [#66](#66)
* on-demand UIEffect shader support ([bdd8e08](bdd8e08)), closes [#212](#212) [#271](#271)
* support `TextMeshPro/Bitmap` and `TextMeshPro/Mobile/Bitmap` shaders. ([23ac398](23ac398)), closes [#284](#284)
* support non full-rect graphics for some effect ([a66baea](a66baea))
* UIEffectTweener animation preview in edit mode ([e17b4a0](e17b4a0)), closes [#279](#279)


chore(release): 5.0.2 [skip ci]

## [5.0.2](5.0.1...5.0.2) (2024-12-24)

### Bug Fixes

* incorrect transparency when applying the shiny filter to TextMeshProUGUI ([f74279f](f74279f)), closes [#287](#287)
* TextMeshProUGUI disappears when the Y-axis scale is changed ([9d98c5d](9d98c5d)), closes [#286](#286)


chore(release): 5.0.1 [skip ci]

## [5.0.1](5.0.0...5.0.1) (2024-12-14)

### Bug Fixes

* build AssetBundle error ([7374747](7374747))
* fix cutoff transition effect ([c893cb0](c893cb0))
* fix TextMeshPro shader (underlay and bevel) ([f39097a](f39097a))
* TextMeshPro objects appeared as black blocks when saving prefabs in prefab mode ([5889486](5889486)), closes [#285](#285)


chore(release): 5.0.0 [skip ci]

# [5.0.0](4.0.0...5.0.0) (2024-11-11)

### Features

* add built-in UIEffect preset ([4adb58c](4adb58c))
* add support for TextMeshPro, including `<font>` and `<sprite>` tags ([a4f85cb](a4f85cb))
* add UIEffectProjectSettings ([1306e19](1306e19))
* add UIEffectReplica component ([3bdc61c](3bdc61c))
* add UIEffectTweener component ([e2c1605](e2c1605))
* add v4 compatible components ([d40a019](d40a019))
* completely redesigned UIEffect architecture ([4e069a4](4e069a4))


* All v4 components are obsolete. See README to upgrade.



# [4.0.0-preview.10](v4.0.0-preview.9...v4.0.0-preview.10) (2023-11-09)

### Bug Fixes

* ExecuteInEditMode to ExecuteAlways ([c750810](c750810))


chore(release): 4.0.0-preview.10 [skip ci]

# [4.0.0-preview.10](v4.0.0-preview.9...v4.0.0-preview.10) (2023-11-09)

### Bug Fixes

* ExecuteInEditMode to ExecuteAlways ([c750810](c750810))