Participants are from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Institute for Molecular Medicine of Finland, University of Helsinki
Organizers (emails linked to names):
Kumar Veerapen, PhD
Sanni Ruotsalainen
Meetings will be conducted via zoom and links will be sent via a calendar invite. If you are interested, please send an email to the organizers so that you can be included on the listserv and the calendar invite. If you have further questions or interest in presenting your work, please feel free to contact the organizers.
General Schedule
Day: Third Wednesdays of the month
Time: 9:00 AM EST / 4:00 pm (HEL)
Venue: Zoom (link available upon request)
Dates (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Themes | Boston Presenter |
Helsinki Presenter |
Primer | Recording |
09/30/2020 | PRS and prediction | Pietro Della Briotta Parolo | Jake Lin | Kumar | link |
10/21/2020 | Statistical Methods | Masa Kanai | Sini Kerminen | Sanni | link |
11/25/2020 | Pop Gen | NA | Mattia Cordioli | NA | link |
12/16/2020 | FinnGen Updates | Juha Karjalainen | Arto Lehisto | Kumar | link |
01/20/2021 | NeuroDev | Nasa Sinnott-Armstrong | TBD | Sanni | TBA |
02/17/2021 | Pharmacogenetics | Kumar Veerapen | Ari Ahola-Olli | Kumar | TBA |
03/17/2021 | CV and metabolic | Amy Elliott | Sanni Ruotsalainen | Sanni | TBA |
04/21/2021 | FinnGen Updates | Mutaamba Maasha | TBD | Kumar | TBA |
05/12/2021 | Psychosis and Neuro | Henrike Heyne | TBD | Kumar | TBA |
Boston/COVID-19 HGI Presenter: Juha Karjalainen, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: FinnGen Analysis Group and Lead Analyst for COVID-19 HGI
Title: COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative Meta-analysis
Slide deck can be found in 2020_12_slideDeck
Helsinki Presenter: Arto Lehisto
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: FinnGen Analysis Team
Title: FinnGen and Pan-UKBB (UK Biobank) meta-analysis process
Slide deck can be found in 2020_12_slideDeck
Recording for this meeting can be found here
Only Helsinki presenter for this TC.
Helsinki Presenter: Mattia Cordioli
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: Andrea Ganna's Group
Title: Genetic and environmental determinants of drug adherence and drug purchasing behaviour
Slide deck can be found in 2020_11_slideDeck
Recording for this meeting can be found here
Boston Presenter: Masa Kanai
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: Finucane and Daly Groups
Title: Insights into fine-mapping causal variants of complex traits from diverse populations
Slide deck can be found in 2020_10_slideDeck
Helsinki Presenter: Sini Kerminen, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: Matti Pirinen's Group
Title: Insights into fine-mapping causal variants of complex traits from diverse populations
Slide deck can be found in 2020_10_slideDeck
Link referred to in recording will be made available upon publication.
Recording for this meeting can be found here
Boston Presenter: Pietro Della Briotta Parolo, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: FinnGen Analysis Team
Title: PRS in FinnGen
Slide deck can be found in 2020_09_slideDeck
or here
Helsinki Presenter: Jake Lin, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Group: Matti Pirinen's Group
Title: Construction and analysis of metaPRS on coronary heart disease from associated risks
Slide deck can be found in 2020_09_slideDeck
or here
Recording for this meeting can be found here