The Comprehensive Ethics Bundle is a license and data use agreement that allows you to share your work in a manner that ensures your work is used ethically. The license combines various licensing and data use terms to create a comprehensive assurance that your work will not be misused.
Yes! You are welcome to use the CEB under the terms outlined in the license license.
In past decades, significant advances have been made that facilitate sharing material so that others may re-use it. People soon realized that legal frameworks must protect ethical virtues to ensure that shared work is used according to the wishes of its creators. The GNU General Public License has pioneered ethical licensing with its copyleft innovation, requiring derivative work also be shared. Creative Commons expanded ethical licensing innovations with the introduction of attribution requirements, non-commercial limitation, and the prevention of derivative work to protect artistic integrity. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals even innovated, with their Harm-Less Permissive License that prevented harm to both humans and animals.
In the realm of science, we recognized data use agreements commonly stipulate that users may not use the material to violate privacy. More recently, Cory Doctorow asked us "How about you ban patents based on what you share?" We hadn't thought of that!
We realized there are many important aspects that promote ethical behavior, and current popular licenses fail to encompass these entirely. Thus, we strove to include all of them within the scope of a single comprehensive license and data use agreement. We are confident that CEB-shared material will be a powerful force for the public good.
Yes, we would love to see improvements to the CEB, we realize it will be a continuing struggle to achieve ethical perfection. For this reason, the CEB text is itself shared under the terms outlined in the license license. We request you send suggested improvements to our github project as pull requests.
Note: introducing or increasing internal inconsitency in the CEB will be considered a feature, not a bug.
Um... no. No, it is definitely not GPL-compatible.