This is a monitoring tool for Steptember.
It monitors the progress of teams within your organisation.
It does this by logging into Steptember as your account and scraping the progress data every 5 minutes.
Data scraped is saved to MySQL, in the 3 tables:
- Teams (info of the team)
- Participants (info of the team members)
- Records (Progress data of the team members)
To run it you need to create a steptember.env file with your credentials (see steptember.env.tmpl)
Then you need to build the docker containers (
Then you need to start docker-compose (docker-composer up)
The application exposes port 8080 for adminer and 3000 for grafana
The Grafana login is root, and the password is defined in docker-compose.yml
The MySQL login is defined in mysql.env
Steptember does not have very performant servers and sometimes can not even load the JS/CSS on a normal page load due to demand.
Because of this requests may time out, the request that times out the most is the request for this application to login.
If a request times out the application will restart the scraper and it should recover without intervention.