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MoFaCTS is a Meteor.js driven, responsive implementation of the FaCT System designed for use by mobile participants.

Please see the docs subdirectory for a complete description of deployment and production setup.

Please note - if you are using Windows or you're not comfortable installing, maintaining, and using the tools required for meteor development, you can skip to the "Using Vagrant" section below

If your development workstation is running Linux or Mac OSX, then you can develop and test this application "natively". Just be sure that you've installed meteor (see You'll probably want to install MongoDB; that way you can use the handy run_meteor script in the meteor directory. Assuming that you've accomplished the above, setting up and running the application is as simple as opening a terminal and running:

$ git clone
$ cd mofacts/mofacts
$ ./run_meteor

Deploying Using Meteor Up

Meteor Up (mup) can be used as a deployment solution for postgres based MoFACTs. To implement this, use the following workflow.

Open your vagrant development enviorment using the most recent MoFACTs release and run the following workflow in the project folder.

If you have installed mofacts development enviorment recently, it should already be installed.

1 Use an editor to configure MUP

/.deploy/mup.js Edit the host, username, pem authentication path, server feedback location (where the elaborated feedback is located on the server, and target IP address.

/.depoloy/settings.json Edit the clientId, secrent, owner, admins, teachers, and the feedbackfile (don't change the /feedback/*)

2 Install Meteor Up (should be installed after new vagrant enviorments)

$ npm install -g mup

3 Setup server enviorment

$ cd .deploy $ mup setup

4 Deploy to server

$ mup deploy --verbose

Using Vagrant

We maintain a Vagrantfile so that you can use vagrant to run this application in a virtual machine. The virtual machine abstracts away the setup steps you need to get a testable version of MoFaCTS running, and it allows you to continue to use whatever code editors and other tools you like in your current operating system. We'll cover the one-time steps you need to perform so that you can use vagrant, a one-time setup for this project, and the common development activities that you'll want to know about

One-Time Setup for Vagrant

One-Time Setup for MoFaCTS

Now that you have vagrant and virtual box installed, you need to get MoFaCTS set up for development. If you haven't already, you need to clone the code repository. From your command prompt, clone the repository and then enter the new directory:

$ git clone
$ cd mofacts

Now you're ready to use vagrant to set up your development environment. First, we'll ask vagrant to download a "box"; this is a "base" image that we use as a starting point. Assuming that you're in the mofacts directory that we cloned above:

$ vagrant box add ubuntu/bionic64

This will download a virtual machine image. WARNING: this may take a while if you haven't already downloaded the machine image. If for some reason it should fail (which may happen if you have an intermittent internet connection), you can just repeat the command.

Note: this is an optional step. If you skip it, the vagrant up command we describe below will automatically download the machine image.

Now we will have vagrant configure and start the virtual machine. Again, from the directory you created above:

$ vagrant up

This will start the virtual machine. Since this is the first time you've actually started it, a provisioning scripting will run. This script will take some time since it will doing a variety of things, including downloading and installing software. If this step fails, the safest way to restart is to delete the virtual machine and start over:

$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up

Note that you can also re-initialize your virtual machine to it "original" state this way if you want to discard any changes you've made to the virtual machine's environment.

You're ready to begin development after the command completes.

Typical Startup for MoFaCTS Development

Typically, you want to change files inside the MoFaCTS project, then run the application and test your changes. When using vagrant, you first open a command prompt (or terminal), navigate to the mofacts directory, and use vagrant to run your virtual machine:

$ cd mofacts
$ vagrant up

HINT: This should look familiar - vagrant up was the final setup step we used in our one-time setup above. It should run much faster now since you've already created and provisioned the virtual machine.

Once the virtual machine starts up, you can connect to it and run code. Assuming that you're still in the same command prompt that you opened above:

$ vagrant ssh

If you have a problem (on Windows), you might need to add ssh to path manually. In that case, you should be able to find a copy of ssh in your git/bin directory.

The command prompt should look different now: you are at a shell prompt in the virtual machine. Since vagrant shares the mofacts repository with the VM, you can just cd into it to start the application. We've provided a handy script to force the application to use the "real" MongoDB server in the VM (and perform some other changes that make development on a Windows machine easier):

$ cd mofacts/mofacts
$ ./run_meteor

Ports for the application and MongoDB are already shared. Once meteor reports that your application is running (after you've run ./run_meteor as above), you can connect from your native operating system at http://localhost:3000/

You can also connect to the MongoDB instance with your tool of choice (for instance, Robomongo) on your native operating system connecting to localhost at port 30017. Note that inside the virtual machine, the port for MongoDB is the default 27017.

As implied above, the general idea is that you edit source code, look at data, test the application, commit code to the repository, etc. in your native operating system. The vagrant-controlled virtual machine is where you run the project in a suitable environment for testing.


To run both server and client tests* in Vagrant, use

TEST_WATCH=1 ./run_meteor test --driver-package meteortesting:mocha --settings ./settings.json --allow-incompatible-update

*The --full-app option may be used for integration testing.

When you're done with development

Once you've reached a stopping point, you should shut down your environment cleanly. If you still have mofacts running, stop it with CTRL+C. Then you can exit the SSH session by entering exit at the command prompt in the virtual machine. After you exit, you should be back in your native OS environment where you originally entered vagrant ssh. From here you can stop the virtual machine:

$ vagrant halt

This is fine for the end of a development session, but if you want to remove the virtual machine from your computer you can delete it:

$ vagrant destroy

This is a low risk activity, since you can always run vagrant up to recreate the virtual machine for you.

Notes on Upgrading from Meteor 1.8.3 releases to Meteor 1.12 releases

There are two options to upgrade meteor to fix the issue of expired certificates, depending individual cases.

Destroy vagrant environment and re-provision and use the latest branch that is compatible with 1.12

-vagrant destroy, pull 1.12 branch, vagrant up

Update your environment to run node 12 and meteor 1.12:

-Must install nodejs 12.x
    curl -sL | sudo bash -
    sudo apt install -y nodejs        

-Must install meteor 1.12
    curl | sh

-update npm packages and upgrade incompatible package
    sudo rm -rf package-lock.json node_modules
    sudo npm cache clean --force
    sudo npm i --unsafe-perm node-sass
    NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 meteor remove fourseven:scss
    NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 meteor add fourseven:[email protected]
-**if using an old branch** manually upgrade mofacts to 1.12 
    meteor update --release 1.12



I'm encountering the following error when trying to run meteor:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/mofacts/mofacts$ ./run_meteor
-bash: ./run_meteor: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory


This is an error due to the run_meteor file's line endings being converted to windows line endings and not linux line endings. To fix it simply run the following commands inside the vagrant vm:

sudo apt-get install dos2unix
dos2unix run_meteor

Then simply run meteor as normal with



  • Older versions of Firefox that don't support HTML5 Web Audio are not compatible with MoFaCTs. This incompatibility is usually indicated by a "speechSynthesis is not defined or supported" error in the console.

  • Server deployments should be performed as the root user, e.g. sudo ./ Failing to do this will cause a build error relating to the fibers package.

  • MoFaCTs runs on Node 8.x. Older versions of Node will throw a at build time.

  • MoFaCTs must be built for Linux 64-bit architecture (os.linux.x86_64) without Node being installed on the vagrant host machine. With Node host conflicts or the wrong architecture specified, a unexpected token { const pause ... error can be seen at build time.