- Babel for supporting the ES2015 modules.
- AngularJS v1.6.8 - as a frontend framework.
- Angular UI Router - to facilitate routing and for its features.
- HTML5/CSS3 - for sure they are used for views UI creating and styling.
- Twitter Bootstrap - as UI framework.
- SASS - as CSS preprocessor.
- Webpack - as a bundler for all the js files.
- Lite-server - Just to facilate running in the development environment.
- I've applied the ES2015 modules pattern in all my files.
- I've created a custom component for each segment in code that might be reusable later, each component is a separated module.
- the main module include all the components as module in dependancies.
- you have to install NodeJS to use its package manager npm.
- you have to install sass. (way to install sass).
- you should install compass to facilitate the compilation of sass to css (Here you go).
- open CMD or Terminal in the root folder.
- write this command
npm install
to install dependencies. - then write this command
compass compile
to compile sass files into css files. - Finally write
npm start
to start application and it will popup automatically in the browser athttp://localhost:3000
- Cool !! Have fun.