Tate v1.0 - Change Primary Root Key Derivation to BIP44 chain type, compatible with Encompass
LatestTate 0.2.x users are advised to move their MZC to new wallet!
This release provides MZC key compatibility to our flagship Multicoin wallet, Encompass. Now Encompass and Tate will use the same root key derivation, and each will be able to recover keys made in the other.
This change makes Tate v0.2.x seeds and Tate v1.0 seeds "incompatible" - Please move your MZC! - Support for both key derivations will be added into a future release of Tate, and v0.2.x will continue to be available until at least that time.
Linux users are recommended to use Tate-1.0.tar.gz
OSX users may use Tate-1.0.tar.gz as well - releases are untested on OSX - binaries are not provided
Windows users may use Tate-1.0-setup.exe to install Tate, or Tate-1.0.exe as a "standalone" version.
- note the "standalone" version is not "portable" - wallets are saved to default \Application Data\ directory!
Linux/OSX/Windows are all supported via Docker - OSX/Windows users require boot2docker to run docker.
https://github.com/mazaclub/docker-tate will contain the latest Dockerfile (coming this week)