✨ Node.js Client for Blynk (Legacy) Mobile App Protocol
I just want to register a new account on self-hosted server, but Blynk (Legacy) app don't let me to do that
and I just saw that Blynk (Legacy) app will be removed from the store on this June 30th,
so I decided to open source this project, That's it! 🤷♂️
- Login/Register Account
- Get Energy
- Get Devices in Dashboard
- Load Profile
- Hardware Command (WIP)
import Blynk from 'blynk'
// in JavaScript
// const { Blynk } = require('blynk')
const blynk = new Blynk('blynk.example.org', 9443)
await blynk.connect()
await blynk.login('[email protected]', 'p@$$w0rd')
// or Register new account:
// await blynk.register('[email protected]', 'p@$$w0rd')
await blynk.getEnergy() // Returns energy amount (e.g. 10000)
This project is MIT licensed (see LICENSE.md)
Not affiliated with Blynk Inc. in any way,
Trademarks belongs to their respective owner.