RNA-seq pipeline for processing RNA sequence data from high throughput sequencing.
Fabian Kilpert - March 08, 2017 email: [email protected]
Following steps are executed in succession: FASTQ subsampling (optional), quality check with FASTQC, trimming of reads with Trim Galore (optional), estimation of insert size and strand specificity with RSeQC, mapping with STAR (default), counting of features with featureCounts (default) or htseq-count, differential expression analysis with DESeq2 (optional).
The pipeline requires gzipped FASTQ files (.fastq.gz) for input, which are loaded from an input directory (-i INDIR). Read files belonging together require the exact same base name but ending either in "_R1" or "_R2" right in front of the .fastq.gz extension (e.g. reads_R1.fastq.gz, reads_R2.fastq.gz). In addition, a specific genome version argument must be provided (e.g. -g mm10) to define the reference data used for annotation. This loads a number of indexes for mapping programs (STAR (new!), Novoalign (new!), TopHat2, HISAT2, etc.) from the corresponding configuration file of the rna-seq-qc sub-folder (e.g. rna-seq-qc/mm10.cfg). Additional genomes for selection can be provided as cfg-files by the user. The pipeline works for single end and paired end sequences alike.
The DE analysis is only executed if a valid setup table is provided (e.g. --DE sampleInfo.tsv), which defines the relationships of the samples.
More information on the pipeline can be found on the wiki page: http://epicenter/wiki/index.php/RNA-seq_pipeline_(rna-seq-pc.py)
Example: python rna-seq-qc.py -i /path/to/fastq_dir -o /path/to/ouput_dir -g mm10 -v --DE sampleInfo.tsv