Written and maintained by Matthew Boakes, Harry Clarke, Matthew Clayton, Max Harris, and Jamie Pont.
- clone the directory from git
- install python3
- pip install -I tensorflow==0.12.1
- run sudo sh ./setup.sh
- Same as Linux (on the Kent vpn) but instead of running setup.sh command, create a folder in the root directory (the one with src in) and create a the folder resources
- Download training.zip from the following link:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86_99L1GbtLU3BybVB6UEZfakE/view?usp=sharing
- Unzip the training file from training.zip into the resources folder
- To train the neural network:
- python3 neural_network_main.py
- To run it with previously trained weights pass in the following parameter to the above command: true
- To play gomoku against the trained neural network and tree search:
- python3 gomoku_main.py
The AlphaGomoku project aims to bring the concept behind Deep Mind's AlphaGo ("Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search", David Silver et al., 28/01/16) to a game called "Gomoku".
- September
- Finish learning from the book
- October
- Have a basic neural netowkr put together for our understanding
- Finish Gomoku App for playing the game
- End of Christmas
- Apply knowledge gained from basic NN project and develop a NN around gomoku
- After Christmas
- Fine tune/finish project