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ReactNative TextInput with enhanced capabilities for mentions

CircleCI npm version


  • Tag multiple items using different characters
  • Live search across mentionable items
  • Customizable textinput icons and style
  • Search among words with spaces
  • Detox-tested and works as a charm out of the box!
  • Hook useMention available


yarn add react-native-mentionable-textinput
yarn add react-native-device-info
cd ios; pod install; cd ..



import { TextInputMention } from "react-native-mentionable-textinput";

// ...

        type: 'users',
        mentionChar: '@',
        type: 'channels',
        mentionChar: '#',
    submitIcon={<Image style={iconStyle} source={{ uri: send }} />}
    mentionIcon={<Image style={iconStyle} source={{ uri: email }} />}
    closeIcon={<Image style={iconStyle} source={{ uri: close }} />}

Component props

Name Type Mandatory Additional info
mentionsTypes Array ✔️ Type of objects that can be mentioned
initialText string Initial text of the text input
placeholder string Text input placeholder
initialMentioned Array Every mention is contained in this array. Fill it with inital mention elements
isMentionsDisabled boolean False if text input should not have mentions
isSendButtonDisabled boolean True if text input submit button is disable.
isSmartSearchEnabled boolean True if smart search should be enabled
children Array<JSX.Element> Optional view that will be attached above text input
mentionableItems Array ✔️ List of visible items that can be mentioned
searchMentionableItems (mentionType: string, searchText: string) => void ✔️ Search callback to filter mentionable items
onChangeText (text: string, mentioned: Array) => void Callback passed to text input
onMentionClose () => void Callback when the list of mentionable items is closed
onSend (text: string, mentioned: Array) ✔️ Called on submit
onEndTyping () => void Callback passed to text input
textStyle StyleProp Style of text, excluded mentions
mentionStyle StyleProp Style of mentions, included mention character
mentionContainerStyle StyleProp Style of mentions container view
textInputContainerStyle StyleProp Style of text input container
separatorColor string Color of the separator between text input and mention window
submitIcon JSX.Element ✔️ Icon for on submit action
mentionIcon JSX.Element ✔️ Icon for mention
closeIcon JSX.Element ✔️ Icon for close
textInputProps TextInputProps Props for native TextInput
keyboardAvoidingViewProps KeyboardAvoidingViewProps Props for native KeyboardAvoidingView
maxHeightMentionWindow number ✔️ Max height of mentions container view
renderMentionType (mentionType: string) => JSX.Element Custom render of mentionable items

Hooks properties

useMentions is born as a plugin to add mentions to a component that has the properties of text input. The following are needed:

The hook can be attached as a plugin to any component that accepts these props.

You can create with

  const hook = useMention({
    searchMentionableItems: mySearchFunction,
    mentionableItems: myResultsOfSearchMentionableItems
    onSend: mySendFunction,
    mentionsTypes: [
        type: 'TYPE_1',
        mentionChar: '+',
    mentionableItems: [
      {id: '1', label: 'First item label', type: 'TYPE_1'},

and the following properties are available:

Name Type Additional info
mentioned Array List of mentioned items added
formattedText string Complete label to place into input text
onChangeText (text: string, mentioned: Array<Mention>) => void Callback when text changes, passed to TextInput
onSelectionChange (event: { nativeEvent: { selection: CursorPosition } }) => void Callback when text is selected, passed to TextInput
cursorPosition { start: number; end: number } Position of the cursor
addMention (mention: {id: string; label: string; type: T}) => void Add a new mentioned item
chosenMentionType string - type T Type of the selected mention item
showMentionItems boolean Check if mention items should be visible
showMentionTypes boolean Check if mention types should be visible
isMentionsDisabled boolean Check if mention feature is enabled
onSendCallback () => void Calls onSend passed as props to the hook. Internally it uses onSend(inputText, mentioned)
onPressMentionIcon () => void Callback when mention icon is pressed
mentionableItems Array<MentionListItem> List of all mentionable items
onPressMentionType (mentionType: T, localCursorPosition?: CursorPosition) => void Prepares the hook to give you the data to show the mentions type
closeMention () => void Prepare the hook to close the mention popup
mentionItemsVisible boolean Check if showMentionItems with items list should be visible
isTextUpdated boolean Returns if text has changed wrt initial text
mentionsTypes Array<MentionItemType> List of mention types
isSmartSearchEnabled boolean True if smart search is active
searchMentionPositions Array<SearchCursorPosition> List of positions of all mentions
inputText string It's the text contained in the input field
setInputText (text): string => void Sets text inside textinput

This hook could be used to create you own custom component using some of this library logic. Let me know if you find it useful!


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