Connects you to all relevant sources of errors, warnings, and notifications published by AWS services, and forwards them to Slack or Microsoft Teams managed by marbot.
- Create a new directory
- Within the new directory, create a file
with the following content:
provider "aws" {}
module "marbot-monitoring-basic" {
source = "marbot-io/marbot-monitoring-basic/aws"
#version = "x.y.z" # we recommend to pin the version
endpoint_id = "" # to get this value, select a channel where marbot belongs to and send a message like this: "@marbot show me my endpoint id"
budget_threshold = 10 # in USD (optional)
- Run the following commands:
terraform init
terraform apply
- Update the
- Run the following commands:
terraform get
terraform apply
All modules are published under Apache License Version 2.0.