Python framework for quick, simple, and dynamic generation of Facebook Messenger bots.
While developing a Messenger bot for a charity in the Greater Toronto Area, we realized how Facebook Messenger was a powerful outlet for small businesses and charities to converse with their customers/users. As well, we realized that there was a semi-standard approach to writing the logic for Messenger bots with a sufficient amount of functionality (i.e. postback and message list support).
Thinking that it would be useful and cost-efficient for small businesses and charities to use a black box which dynamically generated Messenger bots, we began working towards developing a tool/engine/API for bot creation through simple JSON specification.
The engine and associated process currently exists as a set of bash scripts and Python modules which can be configured (via parameters) to generate a Facebook Messenger bot. Due to cost limitations, there exists a single database (and collection) for data storage.
The next iteration of this project would include packaging the engine and template modules into a Flask application server, and deploying said server on a remote machine (e.g. thin EC2 instance, Amazon Lightsail). The deployed server would expose a simple API allowing JSON passing, while generating subprocesses for handling the generated files and deploying the bot to Heroku.
In order to use the bot-engine, the following machine dependencies are required.
Valid Python distribution with pip. It is recommended that a virtual environment is created to box the python dependencies.
Verified Facebook Developer account.
Heroku installed with the login credentials specified. You will need space for a new application to be deployed to Heroku.
# log into Heroku
heroku login
# check existing apps
heroku apps
# destroy a running application
heroku apps:destroy --app <application_name> --confirm <application_name>
# view the logs for a running application
heroku logs --app <application_name>
Clone this repository to your local or remote machine. Navigate to the root directory of the repository.
Install the dependencies through the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to
Choose an appropriate category corresponding to your page. For testing use Cause or Community.
Go through the prescribed setup process (if required).
Navigate to the Facebook Developer quickstart page:
Click Skip and Create Application ID.
Specify your 'Application Name', 'Contact Email', and 'Category' (e.g. Communication).
Enter the captcha.
Within Product Setup, click Get Started next to Messenger. You will be redirected to the Messenger Product page.
Under Token Generation, select your previously created page.
Enable all mandatory permissions, in case a prompt appears.
Add the outputted 'Page Access Token' to your clipboard.
Modify the bot-config.json file with your desired configuration. The existing content should be used as a template/example. Please note that the configuration file must follow valid JSON format.
Modify to include the newly retrieved 'Page Access Token'.
Specify a custom 'Verification Token' in
In order for the engine to work, it must connect to a valid mongo instance. Please email [email protected] to retrieve the database url and appropriate credentials. Once the url is obtained, specify the 'Mongo Host' in
Run the bash script and retrieve the outputted web url. This bash script will wipe all collections in the database (dev + testing feature which will be removed in production).
cd src
Navigate to the previously opened Messenger Product page.
Click Setup Webhooks within the Webhooks section.
Specify the previously outputted application url under 'Callback URL'.
Specify the custom verification token under 'Verify Token'.
Click the messages, message_deliveries, messaging_optins, messaging_postbacks, and message_reads options under 'Subscription Fields'.
Under Webhooks, choose your previously created page and click Subscribe such that the page subscribes to your newly created webhook.
- Navigate to your page on Facebook and click Message to begin communicating with your bot.
Note: At this point your deployed application will only communicate with you through your Facebook page, as it is in a development stage. In order to deploy this application to the public you must follow these instructions.
Navigate to App Review within your application on the Facebook Developers page.
Turn the switch on under 'Make <application_name> public?'.