To help people getting started with RavenDb by showing some common problems and how to solve those problems using RavenDb as the database/persistence.
This is a sample ASP.NET MVC3 application that leverages RavenDB as the database / persistence store. I've copied StackOverflow's home page, include css and images. It looks a lot like it ... but I'm not a CSS/HTML Gandalf so it's a bit rough around the edges. Because I'm putting my emphasis on the how to use RavenDB .. I'm not putting much energy into the UI. If it looks similar/OK to StackOverflow, then that's enough :)
Like Racoon Blog (another sample application which is actually being used in production scenarios), this project is trying to show the benefits of RavenDb in an ASP.NET MVC3 framework.
- List some fake questions. Summarize answers / views / tags.
- Shows how to do simple queries and leverage Indexes.
- Shows how to batch page queries using RavenDb
- RavenDb v88 / RavenDb Embedded v888
- xUnit for Tests
- StructureMap for IoC
- NBuilder for fake data
- An attempt to simulate a production solution layout (eg. n-Tier, IoC, InputModels/ViewModels)
- A best practice application. I'm a noob, so this is a learning experience.
- Sure can ->
- I'm usually idling on JabbR RavenDB room. Please drop by! :)
- I accept Pull Requests, btw (hint hint) :)