php 7.0+
swoole 4.0+
composer require fresh-li/agile-swoole:v4.0
1. 支持MVC
2. 支持自定义常驻进程
3. 支持多种任务模式
4. 路由自定义事件
5. 简单易用orm[可二次开发,实现接口,自动注入即可]
6. 支持yaf
7. 全面支持psr container psr http-message psr autoloader
8. 全协程任务
cd bin
php agile.php
ab -c 100 -n 50000
composer require fresh-li/agile-swoole:dev-master
cd bin
php agile.php
'path' => '/',
'dispatch' => [\Controller\Welcome::class, 'index']
'path' => '/sync',
'dispatch' => [\Controller\Sync::class, 'run'],
'type' => \Component\Producer\Producer::PRODUCER_SYNC
'path' => '/process',
'dispatch' => [\Controller\Process::class, 'run'],
'before' => [\Controller\Process::class, 'before'],
'after' => [\Controller\Process::class, 'after'],
'type' => \Component\Producer\Producer::PRODUCER_PROCESS
GET: localhost:9550
hello world!
GET: localhost:9550/sync
sync start
... 10 seconds after
sync over
POST: localhost:9550/process
this process berfore
create process ......
this process after
class Sync{
public function index()
return 'ff';
class Process{
public function index()
return 'ff';
class Task{
public function index()
return ff;
$serverProcess = new ServerProcess();
//do some things
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.