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A list of simulation engines that do not yet meet the relevance criterion of 50 citations/year.
In contrast to the atomistic.software collection, this watchlist does not aim to be exhaustive.
- "priroda" "Laikov" (109) - happy to add, but documentation web site is down http://wt.knc.ru/wiki/index.php/Priroda_Documentation
- "Quantum Monte Carlo" "CASINO" (60)
- "mrcc" "Ganyecz" (48)
- "openmd" (48)
- "ms2" vrabec (48)
- "ORAC" Marchi OR Procacci (46)
- "Gollum" Ferrer (44)
- PWPAW OR ATOMPAW Holzwarth (41)
- "MCCCS Towhee" (41)
- BAGEL Shiozaki (41)
- questaal (40)
- "Perturbo" "Bernardi" (40)
- "ace-molecule" (37)
- "dftk" (24)
- "RMCprofile" "Tucker" (39)
- "cassandra" maginn (39)
- CONQUEST "Miyazaki" "Bowler" (37)
- "Jorgensen" "BOSS" "BOSS program" OR "BOSS software" OR "MCPRO" OR "Tirado-Rives" (39)
- PARSEC Saad (35)
- "neci" "booth" (28)
- WEST (32) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=10135319195087919820&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=2022&as_yhi=2022
- "BigDFT" (38)
- "mdynamix" (23)
- "galamost" (30)
- samson samson-connect.net (24)
- molgw (21)
- horton Verstraelen (31)
- "PAOFLOW" "Nardelli" (25)
- exp-t eliav (22)
- "FLOSIC" (28)
- Qbox Gygi (28)
- "dft-fe" gavini (27)
- NRLMOL Pederson (22)
maps "scienomics" (19)
ABACUS https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=4751737877778511114&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=en (19)
"dacapo" "dft" (19)
"quantemol-n" (16)
openatom (14)
rspt alouani OR wills (16)
Smeagol Lambert (10)
"gSAFT" (7)
scigress fqs (14)
"aimpro" (14)
"rescu" "guo" "dft" (17)
"quip" "csanyi" (14)
imd trebin (9)
"serenity" "unsleber" (17)
veloxchem (14)
"LSDalton" (12)
abin slavicek (11)
empire margraf semiempirical
music gupta (10) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0%2C5&cites=17714024534335639668&scipsc=&as_ylo=2022&as_yhi=2022
"beijing density functional" (10)
exabyte.io (5)
dice umrigar (9)
hilapw (10)
helfem (3)
freeon challacombe (2)
"phase/0" azuma nims (9)
"pqs-chem" (1)
pyquante (8)
rmg "real-space multigrid" (5)
votca-xtp (8)
tuckerman piny (2)
macsimus (4)
moldy refson (9)
"moscito" md (2)
"multipurpose simulation code" snurr (4)
"sagemd" (1)
"smmp" hansmann (1)
hotbit koskinen (2)
seqquest (8)
cadpac (8)
"ASW program package" (0)
MADNESS (10) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=6215247752500065470&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=2022&as_yhi=2022
MPQC Janssen (0)
MOIL Elber (1)
ERKALE Lehtola (9)
"SPHInX" "DFT" Boeck (3)
"PLATO" Horsfield DFT (4)
"FEASST" Hatch (2)
"DL Monte" purton (5)
Bartlett "ACES III" OR "ACES II" OR "ACES4" (7)
"pyquante" OR "pyquante2" muller (5)
wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/asap (3)
ergoscf (9)
protomol Matthey (0)
"protoms" (2)
"siremol" (3)
"rmgdft" (6)
"CP-PAW" (4)
Hondoplus (0)
ampac semichem (8)
abalone "agile molecule" (0)
GOMC nejahi (5)
"mrchem" (8)
"ezDyson" (10)
juliachem (3)
"m-sparc" matlab (7)
pwdft.jl (2)
HelFEM (3)
x2dhf (1)
sparrow qcscine (6)
"hande-qmc" (8)
chronusq (6)
pwdft bylaska (2)
"COSMOS" "U Sternberg" (2)
- 'deepmd-kit' (needs external simulation engine)
- plumed (uses external simulation engine)
- i-pi (uses external simulation engine)
- yaff (ff test code)
- atomistica, KIM (interatomic potentials library used by other simulation engines, e.g. lammps)
- ASE (uses external simulation engines)
- AiiDA (uses external simulation engines)
- Medea "Materials Design" (software environment using VASP/LAMMPS engines)
- "Newton-X" Lischka (framework for non-adiabatic dynamics, interfaced with a variety of engines)
- "spartan" "wavefun.com" (uses Q-Chem for QM calculations)