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This blueprint creates a fully functional and configured spoke landing zone.


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Overview (Version: 0.2)

This blueprint creates a fully functional spoke landing zone that can be used by business units. The created environment enforces a set of Governance, Compliance and Security measures and establishes connectivity to a Hub VNet.

Version History

  • 0.1 Initital commit
  • 0.2 Added Azure Bastion and Cost Management Budget

Architecture Diagram



  • An Azure Hub-Subscription that hosts the a Hub-VNet and a region central Log Analytics workspace
  • An Azure Spoke-Subscription that can be used to bootstrap
  • A User assigned - Managed Service Identity with the following permissions:
    • Spoke-Subscription : Owner
    • Hub-Subscription : Network Contributor and Log Analytics Contributor

What is done within this blueprint?

This blueprint allows a zero touch deployment of a spoke environment. THe blueprint allows the central IT to bootstrap and provide spoke environments to business units.

Creation of the following Core Resources within a Spoke-Subscription:

  • Resource Group for Core Services/Resources
  • Log Analytics Workspace
  • Key Vault (Premium)
  • Virtual Network (incl. Bastion Subnet)
  • Recovery Services Vault for Backup and Restore
  • Storage Account for Diagnostics
  • Azure Automation Account - Configured with the Azure Resource Optimization (ARO) Toolkit (Developed by Microsoft CSEO)
  • Sample Resource Group for "App001"
  • Resource Group for NetworkWatcher service
  • Azure Bastion Service
  • Budget (Azure Cost Management)

Deployment/Configuration of the following Core Settings:

  • Peering to a Hub VNet
  • Send Subscription Activity Logs to Log Analytics
  • Activate Security Center "Standard" with Log Analytics Integration
  • Deploy Log Analytics Agents for Windows and Linux VMs
  • Deploy Dependency Agents for Windows and Linux VMs
  • Deploy prerequisites to enable Guest Configuration Policy on Windows and Linux VMs
  • Deploy Network Watcher RG and activate the service for the region

Configuration of the following Core Security Settings:

  • Advanced Threat Protection for Cosmos DB Accounts
  • Enable Auditing on SQL servers
  • Advanced Threat Protection on Storage Accounts
  • Enable Monitoring in Azure Security Center
  • Auditing SQL DB transparent data encryption
  • Require encryption on Data Lake Store accounts
  • Threat Detection on SQL servers
  • Deploy Microsoft IaaSAntimalware extension for Windows Servers
  • Deploy Advanced Data Security on SQL servers


  • Cross Subscription aware:
    • Cross Subscription VNet Peering for advanced Hub-Spoke scenarios
    • Cross Subscription connection to a central Log Analytics workspace to store Activity Logs and Security Center Data Collection Logs
  • Roll out of Azure Resource Optimization (ARO) Toolkit in Azure Automation (Developed by Microsoft CSEO) for optimized VM Management.
  • Deployment of several Logging and Monitoring agents
  • Assignment of a Azure Budget (configurable)
  • Assignment of recommended default Tags on the Core Services Resource Group:

    Tags Demo

How do I import the blueprint?

  1. Download the repository as a zip file:

    Download Demo
  2. Upload zip file via the Azure CloudShell:

    Upload Demo
  3. Expand the zip file using Powershell:

    Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath AzureSpokeBlueprint -force

  4. Change directory into the created folder:

    cd ./AzureSpokeBlueprint/AzureSpokeBlueprint-master

  5. If it isn't already installed, follow the instructions in Add the Az.Blueprint module to install and validate the Az.Blueprint module from the PowerShell Gallery.

  6. Import the blueprint into your management group:

    Import-AzBlueprintWithArtifact -Name 'Azure_Spoke_Blueprint' -ManagementGroupId 'xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx' -InputPath ./Azure_Spoke_Blueprint

How do I assign the blueprint?

  1. Right-click the imported blueprint draft and select Publish blueprint

  2. Enter a version number (e.g. 0.1) and some comments and click Publish

  3. Right-click published blueprint and select Assign blueprint

  4. Change the basic settings according to your Region of choice and for Managed Service Identity select User assigned as seen below:

    Assign Demo1

    Note: Change the first field "Subscription" accordingly (if needed)

  5. Fill in the central Blueprint Parameter as needed. These parameters are used by multiple artifacts to and are therefore "Global Parameters":

    Assign Demo2
  6. Fill in the Artifact Parameter as needed. See the naming pattern below:

  • Log Analytics Workspace: CompanyPrefix-core-001-log
  • Diagnostics Storage Account: CompanyPrefixcore001diag
  • Azure Key Vault: CompanyPrefix-core-001-kv
  • Azure Recovery Services Vault: CompanyPrefix-core-001-vault
  • Azure VNet: CompanyPrefix-core-001-vnet
  • Azure Subnet: CompanyPrefix-core-001-subnet
  • Azure Bastion: CompanyPrefix-core-001-bastion
  • Azure Automation Account: CompanyPrefix-core-aa-UniqueString

  1. Click Assign to assign the blueprint and begin to bootstrap the Spoke-Subscription

What is the result?

There are two major deployments that are being created. The first one being resources that can be used by the Business Unit. The second one being Policies that enforces a set of Governance, Compliance and Security measures.

  1. Deployment of Azure resources:

    Assign Demo1

  2. Deployment of Azure policies:

    Assign Demo1


The rollout of the Log analytics agent does not work

You need to be a bit more patient. Installing and configuring all agents is a time consuming process. This can take up to 1 hour.

Know issues when it comes to Budget assignments

The Start date needs to be the first day of the month.

Can/should I enter two diffrent Log Analytics workspaces?

Avoid multi-homing, it can have undesired outcomes. For more information check out our recommendations here and here


This blueprint creates a fully functional and configured spoke landing zone.








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