TheMovieDB API: Check this documentation.
Using local properties for define api key:
Warning You need a Mac with macOS to write and run iOS-specific code on simulated or real devices. This is an Apple requirement.
To work with this template, you need the following:
- A machine running a recent version of macOS
- Xcode
- Android Studio
- The Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin
- The CocoaPods dependency manager
Before you start, use the KDoctor tool to ensure that your development environment is configured correctly:
Install KDoctor with Homebrew:
brew install kdoctor
Run KDoctor in your terminal:
If everything is set up correctly, you'll see valid output:
Environment diagnose (to see all details, use -v option): [✓] Operation System [✓] Java [✓] Android Studio [✓] Xcode [✓] Cocoapods Conclusion: ✓ Your system is ready for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile development!
Otherwise, KDoctor will highlight which parts of your setup still need to be configured and will suggest a way to fix them.
androidGradlePlugin = "8.2.2"
kotlinVersion = "1.9.23"
ksp = "1.9.23-1.0.20"
composeVersion = "1.6.10-rc01"
androidx-room = "2.7.0-alpha02"
sqlite = "2.5.0-SNAPSHOT"
activity-compose = "1.9.0"
appcompat = "1.6.1"
buildkonfigGradlePlugin = "0.15.1"
coil= "3.0.0-alpha06"
core-ktx = "1.13.1"
kotlinxCoroutinesAndroid = "1.8.0"
ktorVersion = "2.3.10"
koin = "3.6.0-alpha3"
koinComposeMultiplatform = "1.2.0-Beta4"
androidx-navigation = "2.8.0-alpha02"
androidx-lifecycle = "2.8.0-rc03"
Check voyager implementation here