This is the code used to build my tristats app, which lets you explore and compare results of several triathlons.
Included here are python notebooks used in downloading and cleaning/standardizing the data, as well as the code for the final Dash app hosted on Heroku at the link above.
From the app page:
A triathlon is a race that includes swimming, biking, and running components, as well as transitions in between sports. Triathletes tend to be an obsessive bunch who get very involved in analyzing and comparing race times - which, in my personal experience, usually involves a browser with multiple open tabs, a calculator (or Spotlight), and frustration that I don't have a histogram of all participants' times. This tool was developed to address that. (Note that many triathletes also claim to do triathlons to eat and drink more, so the motivations are broad and wide-ranging.)
You can use this tool to compare triathlon race times between two athletes (or the same athlete between two different races or race years). Use the dropdown menus to select each race, year, and athlete. The athletes' time will appear on the plots below, along with the times for other athletes in the same race. Data associated with the athlete on the left will be shown in red, and data associated with the athlete on the right will be shown in blue.
For more info on the races and a better understanding of the resulting product, check out the tristats app.