Simple simulator for Fossasat-1 groundstation testing.
The simulator uses Arduino UNO and a Dragino LoraHat with sx1278 on 436.7Mhz, any MCU / lora module can be used after changing SPI pin definition. (See comment for Wemos D1 in code)
- 0x00 send ping frame
- 0x01 request satellite info
- 0x02 is not implemented
- 0x03 send message to be retransmitted
- 0x04 request last packet info
Code setup for testing connection to Fossasat Groundstation
Check the README of the project.
Fossasat-1 is hardcoded 0x0F0F and it uses an sx1268 lora chip This SYNC_WORD will sync with another sx1268 with the same SYNC_WORD The sx1278 does not sync with that value even when set to 0xFF
Accepted sync words for sx1268 are PRIVATE_SYNCWORD = 0x1424 and PUBLIC_SYNCWORD 0x3444. for the sx1278 to sync it must have PRIVATE_SYNCWORD = 0x12 and PUBLIC_SYNCWORD 0x34. The way it matches is that the top 8 bits of sx1268 first integer in the SYNC_WORD 0x14 provides sx1278 SYNC_WORD with the top 8 bit (1) and the top 8 bit of sx1268 second integer in the SYNC_WORD 0x24 provides sx1278 SYNC_WORD with bottom 8 bits (2)
SYNC_WORD in this simulator is 012, make sure you have the matching SyncWord in your Groundstation.
Same method is used for for PUBLIC_SYNCWORD.
Note: This does not work for SYNC_WORD 0x0F0F, which is one used with Fossasat-1.