Matrix Algebra Toolkit
This C program implements a toolkit for basic matrix algebra operations, including addition, subtraction, and multiplication of matrices. The program uses a tMatrix
structure to represent matrices, with fields for the number of rows and columns, a pointer to a 2D array for the matrix elements, and a flag to indicate if an operation was successful.
Compilation: Compile the program using a C compiler such as GCC:
gcc -o matrix_toolkit matrix_toolkit.c
Execution: Run the compiled executable to perform matrix operations. The program will prompt you to enter the dimensions and elements of two matrices, and then choose an operation to perform.
- Matrix Input: Reads the dimensions and elements of two matrices from the user.
- Matrix Operations: Supports addition, subtraction, and multiplication of matrices.
- Error Handling: Checks if matrices have compatible dimensions for operations and sets a flag to indicate success or failure.
- Memory Management: Allocates and deallocates memory dynamically for matrices to avoid memory leaks.
Enter the number of rows and columns of Matrix A: 2 2
Enter the elements of Matrix A:
1 2
3 4
Enter the number of rows and columns of Matrix B: 2 2
Enter the elements of Matrix B:
5 6
7 8
Matrices Operations
1) Sum
2) Subtraction
3) Multiplication
Choose an option: 1
Matriz Result:
6 8
10 12
This toolkit provides a basic framework for working with matrices in C, but can be expanded with additional features and optimizations as needed.