The Smart E-Learning web application is developed with the goal of saving time, improving the quality of online teaching and learning. Features:
- 📒 Management resource (Subjects, classes, schedules, attendance report, etc. )
- 📄 Create multiple-choice tests.
- 🤓 Students log-in and take exams on Smart E-Learning Web application
- 🤖 Automatic take attendant for students who submit tests on time
- ❌ Reject submissions after the teacher closes the test session.
⚠️ Fraud alert by IP address monitoring.
- Step 1: Install Docker & Docker Compose.
- Step 2: Build and Run:
docker-compose up --build
- Step 3: Open web application at http://localhost:8080/
- The default account:
Username: [email protected] Password: Default@123 ```
- For student login, using email at username and default password is