OpenFisca package that model a subset of Spain, Catalonia and Barcelona legislation. This project is intended to be used as a simulator to determine which benefits can be opted by a person or a family.
As domain language Catalan has been choosen as all project documentation and team uses this language. We use English in all non domain specific documentation to enable collaboration with other openfisca teams and developers in general.
We recommend that you use a virtualenv:
virtualenv ${HOME}/.virtualenvs/openfisca-barcelona/
and activate it (You will need to do this every time you work with openfisca):
. ~/.virtualenvs/openfisca-barcelona/bin/activate
to install OpenFisca. If you don't, you may need to add --user
at the end of all commands starting by pip
To install your country package, run:
pip install -e ".[test]"
You can make sure that everything is working by running the provided tests:
make test
You can plug the OpenFisca web api to your country package.
First, install the OpenFisca web API:
pip install -e '.[api]'
Then run:
make run
You can make sure that the api is working by requesting:
curl "http://localhost:2000/api/2/formula/edat?data_naixement=1978-01-15"
A more complex example, create this file:
"output_format": "variables",
"scenarios": [
"test_case": {
"families": [
"adults": ["pare1"],
"menors": ["infant1"]
"persones": [
"id": "pare1",
"data_naixement": "1961-01-15",
"ingressos_bruts": "7000",
"es_usuari_serveis_socials": true,
"ciutat_empadronament": "Barcelona"
"id": "infant1",
"data_naixement": "2002-01-15",
"es_usuari_serveis_socials": true,
"ciutat_empadronament": "Barcelona"
"period": "2017-1"
"variables": ["AE_230_mensual"]
and run:
curl http://localhost:2000/api/1/calculate -X POST --data @./the_file_you_created.json --header 'Content-type: application/json'
Go to docker subdirectory, run:
docker-compose up -d
On first run, openfisca-dev image is created. In the creation process, all the necessary dependencies will be installed.
The started container is named openfisca. Check that everything is working ok running the provided tests:
docker exec openfisca make test
The container is prepared to do remote debugs using Eclipse PyDev, JetBrains PyCharm or VSCode Python.
- Start python debug server in Eclipse: Dbeug Perspective -> Pydev -> Start Debug Server.
- Run:
docker exec openfisca make DEBUG_SERVER=<your eclipse workstation ip> test_remote_debug