This guide shows an easy way to Create a Google Platform AI platform notebooks in GCP with latest version of Fastai, Pytorch, CUDA drivers, python, JupyterLab everything ready and up-to-date to start developing Deep Learning models using GPUs
During these days using GCP Ai Platform Notebooks creation, I have found a lots of issues using the out-of-box images they have available:
- Python out of date ( version 3.7, until now latest version is python 3.9.1)
- JupyterLab out of date ( version 1.2, until now latest version is python 3.0.7)
- Trying to install latest fastai and retrieving an old version
- Lots of out of date and useless python packages
I tried to find the Best Way to create a notebook in Ai Platform and install all the packages and dependencies required to run Fastai Deep Learning projects.
I spent lots of days testing some combinations of VMs, containers and installations, after i reached final a good solution.
Here I will share the best way that I found ( maybe a better one is possible, feel free to share here if you know it :) ) to create a GCP Notebook instance and have everything updated and running with GPU processing and everything to get started to Deep Learning.
First you need to Create a GCP Notebook Instance as follows:
- Create New Instance
- Custom Instance
Choose the instance name you want and prefer a region/zone with lowest latency you. Can use this tool to discover The Important configs to choose is:
- Debian 10
- PyTorch 1.7 (with Intel MKL-DNN/MKL)
The Hardware and machine type can be whatever you prefer, but I recommend the following:
- n1-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 30 GB RAM)
- NVIDIA Tesla T4
- Mark option to Install GPU NVIDIA Drivers
- Boot disk Type SSD Persistent Disk 200 GB
After Creating the Instance and it starts up, click "Open JupyterLab" and open terminal type the following commands:
Remove old jupyterlab and reinstall the latest one
conda uninstall jupyterlab -y
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab=3 -y
Install the latest python version and dependencies required in a new env and activate it
Create a new conda environment with python 3.9 ( latest when I wrote this document ) named fastai, but you choose the name you prefer
conda create --name fastai python=3.9 -y
conda activate fastai
Now install fastai, pytorch and other dependencies required
conda install -c fastai -c pytorch fastai -y
conda install -c fastai fastbook -y
git clone
pip install -Uqq fastbook
If you want to use the GCS tools to read/write on Buckets, install/update the following packages:
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-storage
If you want install some additional and useful packages for Data Science for example:
- wandb - Weights & Biases - Dev tools for ML
- gh - GitHub CLI
conda install -c conda-forge wandb gh
To finish config jupyterlab to use the created fastai (or the name you chose) environment as kernel
conda install ipykernel -y
ipython kernel install --user --name=fastai
Now restart JupyterLab
Go to File -> Shut Down to shut down the JupyterLab
Close browser tab
Go to AI Platform Notebooks and click again on "OPEN JUPYTERLAB"
Change the kernel to the previously created fastai (or the name you chose)
Now your ready to go and start coding
- Python v3.9.1
- Pytorch v1.7.1
- Fastai v2.2.5
- Nvidia Cuda Driver 11
- JupyterLab v3.0.7
- Leozítor Floro de Souza - Github