Please read through the following before using this repository
This is an organised index of resources for USyd's 2022 S2 course INFO1110, maintained exclusively by students (for now)
This repo serves serious purposes, please avoid shitposting and memeing
Currently I'm manually uploading files to this repo, so materials will not be immediatly present here after they become available
To look for any resources, just follow the file index above
All changes will be detailed in the changelog highlighted in the picture below, things such as sorting logic changes and records of resources added will be listed there:
Rules for reporting problems and requesting new resources
For now, staff members ARE NOT maintaining this repo, do not ask the professors or tutors quesdtions about this repo, new materials/resources will not be added by them
If you found an error in the index (such as a file is at where it don't belong), go to "Issues" tab near the top of the webpage, and click "New Issue"
Please double check to make sure it's an actual problem, all issues are currently being manually reviewed, probably by me and me alone
As for updating this repo, currently I'm thinking about 3 methods:
You guys create new issues asking me to update, and you provide the file/link to the file/where to look for the file and I add it
Reserve Issues exclusively for problems with the index and instead let everyone contribute to the repo via Pull requests
Ask Ashlyxn to open a new channel on discord for requests, may result in incoherent chaos, I haven't officially asked her about it yet, might never idk I need coffee
Again, refer to the changelog for update notes