OS: Ubuntu 22.04
Node 19.7.0
Ruby 3.2
PostgreSQL 14.7
React 18.2
Start postgresql and login: sudo systemctl start postgresql
rails db:migrate (create and update your database tables)
rails db:seed (run this for testing if insertion in db is working)
cd backend/alerts_assignment
Install all dependencies: bundle install
Start rails server on port 3000: rails s -p 3000
cd frontend/alerts_frontend/
Install all dependencies: npm install
Start react server on port 3001: npm start
Select port 3001
Use Postman/Insomnia for POST requests:
Body example:
"type_of": "portal_opened",
"tags": "{verions1.0, production}",
"description": "description is nice",
"origin": ""
Current features:
- alerts are sorted decreasing after create_at date
- you cannot create alerts except of type portal_opened/portal_closed(I hope so)
- pagination/searching/sorting
- loading spinner
- find faster ways to load data(caching mechanism, load just a subset of alerts)
- validations(ex: origin)
- unit tests/specs
- improve ui(material_ui, chackra_ui)
Update 1
- added minimal ui navigation bar and pages for register, sign_in, alerts, home-page
- authentication/authorization mechanism with devise, devise_token_auth gems and stored them in localStorage
- short polling - fetch alerts endpoint for new alerts every 1 sec in loop(idea: turn this off when user not authorized or after a certain period the api is not consumed?)
- cors with rack-cors gem, allowing only GET and POST requests on resources \
To do:
loading spinner / message before fetchingwhen sign in, add a message if it fails and if not redirect to alerts pagemessage on alert page when not authorized to access the resource- pagination
Video demo(no sound):