Wang Shen, Wenbo Bao, Guangtao Zhai, Li Chen, and Zhiyong Gao.
- Introduction
- Requirements and Dependencies
- Installation
- Testing Pre-trained Models
- Downloading Results
- Test Results Generation
- Training New Models
We propose the Depth-Aware video frame INterpolation (DAIN) model to explicitly detect the occlusion by exploring the depth cue. We develop a depth-aware flow projection layer to synthesize intermediate flows that preferably sample closer objects than farther ones. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Middlebury dataset.
- Ubuntu (We test with Ubuntu = 18.04 LTS)
- Python (We test with Python = 3.6.8 in Anaconda3 = 4.5.11)
- Cuda & Cudnn (We test with Cuda = 10.0 and Cudnn = 7.5.0)
- PyTorch (The customized depth-aware flow projection and other layers require ATen API in PyTorch = 1.0.0)
- GCC (Compiling PyTorch 1.0.0 extension files (.c/.cu) requires gcc = 7.4.0 and nvcc = 10.0 compilers)
- NVIDIA GPU (We use RTX-2080 Ti with compute = 7.5, but we support compute_50/52/60/61/75 devices, should you have devices with higher compute capability, please revise this)
The full envs is recored in AIM_DAIN/environment.yaml.
Download repository:
$ git clone
Before building Pytorch extensions, be sure you have pytorch >= 1.0.0
$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"
Generate our PyTorch extensions:
$ cd AIM_DAIN/src
$ cd my_package
$ ./
Generate the Correlation package required by PWCNet:
$ cd ../PWCNet/correlation_package_pytorch1_0
$ ./
Make model weights dir and AIM dataset dir:
$ mkdir model_weights
$ cd model_weights
$ mkdir test_weight
Download pretrained models,
$ cd test_weight
put best.pth into AIM_DAIN/model_weights/test_weight dir.
Download AIM-Challenge dataset:
Make sure the dataset dirs follow the below structure.
root -----train/train_15fps/000,...,239/00000000.png,...
Our test results 60fps (without 15fps inputs) can be downloaded by Link.
Modify the testset path of AIM_DAIN/src/ to be your path.
AIM_Other_DATA = "/DATA/wangshen_data/AIM_challenge/test/test_15fps"
AIM_Other_RESULT = "/DATA/wangshen_data/AIM_challenge/test/test_15fps_result"
AIM_Other_RESULT_UPLOAD = "/DATA/wangshen_data/AIM_challenge/test/test_15fps_upload"
AIM_Other_RESULT is the path of full 60fps results without 15fps inputs. AIM_Other_RESULT_UPLOAD path is the 30fps results upload to CodaLab.
The script for generating the 60fps testing results.
$ cd src
$ ./run_15_to_60fps_testset.bash 0
where 0 is the GPU index. For 4 GPUs, it can select from {0,1,2,3}.
Run the training script:
$ cd src
$ ./train.bash 0 weight_name
where 0 is the GPU index, weight_name is the path, i.e. AIM_DAIN/model_weights/weight_name, to save the new trained weights.
See MIT License