Return shortest distance of the pharmacy based on user provided latitude and longitude.
- The project is deployed to github at : and its access is public.
- Clone the project to local workspace.
Eclipse :
- If you are using eclipse, please import the root of the project as "existing maven project"
- right click on the project and click run as mvn install.
- right click on the main java file and click on Run as Java application.
I generally use visual studio :
- If you are using visual studio, import the project pointing to root folder i.e "pharmacyLocationIdentifier"
- on the terminal : mvn install : that will build the project and run all test cases etc.
- you can click run on the top and enter Run without debugging that will automatically pick the main file
- or you go to "Maven" section of bottom left > right click on the project > custom > spring-boot:run
For IntelliJ ide:
After cloning project.
File > New > Project from existing resources > select the project
Go to main file > right click on the file > select Run file.
the app will run on 8080 port.
Once the app is running on 8080 port :
Testing the application: GET : /nearestpharmacylocation
as the requirement states we need to pass the latitude and longitude as request params :
/nearestpharmacylocation?latitude="Enter latitude value"&&longitude="Enter longitude value"
example: http://localhost:8080/nearestpharmacylocation?latitude=38.852390&&longitude=-94.722740
- both lalitude and longitude are Request params that will be provided while accessing the api.
Design of project :
- The project is divided in to multiple folders controller, services, model etc
- is a @Controller that will have apis to calculate the nearest pharamcy based on input params.
- Pharmacies.csv is added to resources folder of the project.
- We have a is @Service class that will read "Pharmacies.csv" using openCsv dependency and put in a ArrayList.
- I've designed loading of csv to be done once we dont need to read whole csv for each api request.
- is @Service class consists of business logic to calculate the min shortest distance.
- To find out distance between origin Latitude, Longitude to Destination latitude, longitude i've used Haversine formula.
Detailed Design to identify nearest pharmacy for user:
- Get the input pharmacy details list from CSV file. (Handled in CsvLoaderService).
- For each Pharmacy item in the list calculate the distance in Miles using Harvesine formula.
- Once we get all pharmacies with total distatnce's calculated.
- Find the Pharmacy with minimum distance from list using util Comporator on distance.
- Return result back to the caller.
- The result consits of name of the pharmacy, address (total combined address : address + city + state + zip), total distance.
sample output if called the api with parameteres as below: http://localhost:8080/nearestpharmacylocation?latitude=38.852390&&longitude=-94.722740
{ "name": "CVS PHARMACY", "address": "5001 WEST 135 ST LEAWOOD KS 66224", "totalDistance": 4.685008883444089 }
- Junit test cases are written under test folder for controller and service classes.
- ExceptionHandlerController is added to handle unexcepted exceptions. example : if user does not provide request params http://localhost:8080/nearestpharmacylocation?
response : Required parameters are missing, to calculate distance input parameters are required
Additional resources used : i've used to test and validate calculated distance between origin latitude, longitude and destination latitude, longitude.
Haversine formula : Learnt and understood about the formula