The official implementation of Monocular Blind Spot Estimation with Occupancy Grid Mapping.
The environment is built using Docker. If Docker is not installed on your system, you will need to install the Docker Engine and NVIDIA Container Toolkit. If you do not use Docker, please reproduce the environment based on docker/Dockerfile.
Build a Docker image based on docker/Dockerfile. Here we provide two useful scripts docker/ and docker/ Each can be run as in the following example.
$ ./docker/ bse-env # Usage: [image_name]
$ ./docker/ bse-env bse /path/to/data /path/to/output # Usage: [image_name] [container_name] [data_dir] [output_dir]
$ docker exec -it bse bash # Enter the docker container
Once you have restarted the computer, please run $ docker start bse
and then run $ docker exec -it bse bash
Please install the required dependencies using pip. requirements.txt does not include PyTorch (it is fixed in the Dockerfile with both CUDA versions) and packages for visualization such as Qt are commented in the requirements.txt.
$ apt -y update && apt -y upgrade
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you use Anaconda, install the necessary packages based on requirements.txt.
Pre-processing is required for training and evaluation with public datasets. For more details, please refer to the following documents, which also describe directory structure and annotation format.
Currently, there is no support for extensions to custom datasets.
The entire training pipeline can be executable in
, and the training target is switched depending on the configuration file passed to the --config
To configure your settings, such as specifying a path or batch size, please take key/value pairs separated by spaces in the --opts
option, such as --opts DATA.ROOT data/kitti DATA.BATCH_SIZE 2 DEVICE cuda:1
If you do not want to type long strings on the command line, please create a new configuration file by inheriting the configuration file with the _BASE_
key in the YAML file as the following example.
_BASE_: configs/bsgt_kitti.yaml
ROOT_DIR: data/kitti
WEIGHT: mlruns/649702204470511544/a981d3c5787c4f7a966f9dbeac565e3c/artifacts/best_checkpoint/depth/state_dict.pth
WEIGHT: mlruns/649702204470511544/a981d3c5787c4f7a966f9dbeac565e3c/artifacts/best_checkpoint/pose/state_dict.pth
For simplicity, the following examples are shown with the --opts
$ python \
--config configs/depth_kitti.yaml
--opts DATA.ROOT_DIR data/kitti
The trained weights are stored in the mlflow Artifacts
directory, such as mlruns/649702204470511544/a981d3c5787c4f7a966f9dbeac565e3c/artifacts/best_checkpoint/depth/state_dict.pth
$ python \
--config configs/bsgt_kitti.yaml \
--opts \
DATA.ROOT_DIR data/kitti \
MODEL.DEPTH.WEIGHT /path/to/depth.pth \
MODEL.POSE.WEIGHT /path/to/pose.pth
The JSON files of generated labels are exported into the mlflow Artifacts
directory, such as mlruns/281050285719172480/b57166edc1c74975845958bc833e8202/artifacts/json
$ python \
--config configs/bs_kitti_dla34_iam_s8.yaml \
--opts \
DATA.ROOT_DIR data/kitti \
DATA.BS_LABEL /path/to/json
The portal of mlflow is available by executing the following command in the root directory of this project.
$ mlflow ui
Evaluation can be performed in
, which requires annotated ground truth.
$ python \
--config configs/bsgt_kitti.yaml \
--opts \
DATA.ROOT_DIR data/kitti \
MODEL.DEPTH.WEIGHT /path/to/depth.pth \
MODEL.POSE.WEIGHT /path/to/pose.pth
$ python \
--config configs/eval/bs_kitti_dla34_iam_s8.yaml \
--opts \
DATA.ROOT_DIR data/kitti \
MODEL.BS.WEIGHT /path/to/bs.pth
The trained network can make predictions for any wild image using
Please specify the configuration file used during training with the --config
option and the path to an image file or the directory containing some images with the --input
option. The output files will be exported to the directory specified by --out_dir
$ python \
--config configs/bs_kitti_dla34_iam_s8.yaml \
--opts MODEL.BS.WEIGHT /path/to/bs.pth
--input /path/to/input.jpg \
--out_dir outputs/predictions
We employ the unittest
library for unit tests, which is executable with the following command.
$ python -m unittest discover tests
If our project is useful for your research, please consider citing our paper.
title={Monocular Blind Spot Estimation with Occupancy Grid Mapping},
author={Kazuya, Odagiri and Kazunori, Onoguchi},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, {MVA}},
Files without a written license are subject to our MIT license.
Files that are licensed by dockstring are not subject to our MIT License, but to their respective licenses.