Enthusiastic Frontend Developer with a strong foundation in React.js and Next.js. Skilled in creating visually appealing and user-friendly web applications. Passionate about delivering exceptional digital experiences through clean code and effective UI design.
Also, I like to drink a lot of coffee... βn
management system
IDEs program
ui programs & platforms
music is my soul πΆ
interface Technologies = Array<string>;
const tech: Technologies = [ "TypeScript", "Next.js", "React", "JavaScript" ];
const styling: Technologies = [ "styled-components", "emotion", "MUI", "NextUI" ];
const api: Technologies = [ "GraphQL", "REST", "Apollo" ];
const web: Technologies = [ "SEO", "A11y", "Performance" ];
const backend: Technologies = [ "node.js" ];
const cms: Technologies = [ "Contentful", "Strapi", "Cockpit", "Sanity" ];
const usefulTools: Technologies = [ "EsLint", "Prettier", "Storybook", "Husky", "Insomnia" ];
First of all, I encounter problems every day at work. Unusual solutions teach you how to approach a problem. Additionally, I expand my knowledge on the platform:
also Webdev Insider
Moreover, as a UI enthusiast, I take courses on udemy platform and through reels on Instagram of people such as Nolan Perkins, Zander Whitehurst or Daniel Walter Scott