Sh/Ksh/... user since 1984.
I have done lot of stuff using ksh/awk/sed ... today it's more hoppy.
- website with templates (HEREdoc), (cgi)
- textfile database: object format was shellscript = easy to parse :)
- tcp/ip servers, ...
- named pipes with Postgresql
- ...
I try to tell for less ksh used persons how powerfull scripting language it's. Net include lot of real old Bourne shell stuff even ksh, bash, ... (posix shells) include lot of built in properties. ex, calculations without expr, parsing without awk/sed/cut, ...
Why I like it ? Only some commands but enough. No libraries or plugins. Static bin include everything.
- Nice HERE template
- Very simple and nice socket support
- event based scripting is possible using trap
- For object persons compount item is supported, own methods, fpmurphy
- lowlevel cgi support
- regexp
- DEBUG Trap
Thanks for Bourne Shell and Korn Shell. All posix-sh are nice (ksh, bash, dash, ...), but for scripting I have used ksh93. Dash is full Posix-sh compatible, ksh93, bash, ... includes some extensions. Steve Bourne and David Korn are the main persons behind this shells.
I use Windows 10/11 laptop with Linux Subsystem for development (WSL2). It's full Ubuntu. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is current version. I use also many Debian x64 and Ubuntu servers. My history include many *nix: Ultrix, SCO Open Server, MS Xenix, SCO Xenix, SCO UNixware, HP/UX, SunOS, Solaris, ICL6000, AIX, SNIRM, SNITG, ... , Linux distros: SuSe, Debian, Centos, RedHat, Ubuntu, Raspbian, ...
- Install Linux Subsystem for Windows 10/11
- Install Linux Subsystem and Xming
- Change bash to ksh default shell (Win10 Linux Subsystem)
Windows 10/11 Linux Subsystem has been nice. The Best Windows software for me with Xming. Mostly Windows is only desktop/window manager/gui for me. Ssh , sh , psql and vi is my main tools.
Cygwin and Virtual Machines are history for me. Windows 7 laptop includes all those ...
Win10/11 WSL2 (x64) is binary compatible with Ubuntu and Debian. I tested:
- build att ksh93 from source, standalone version.
- copy ksh93 to the Win10 bash and run it
- Ubuntu, Debian, Windows Linux Subsystem (bash), ...
apt-get install ksh
- many *nix system include ksh88 and also ksh93
- maybe ksh93/posix-sh is in some special directory ex. /usr/xpg4/bin/sh
- build from source - current active dev version (u+m)
- ksh-2020 is buggy dev version, don't use it - not active anymore
- build from source - old org Ast version - last AST dev vesion ksh93 v-, not stable
- All ksh download for CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mageia, OpenMandriva, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS, ROSA, Ubuntu. * Old AST Beta Has saved by GSF
If you download ex. ksh_amd64.deb, you can install it:
sudo dpkg -i ksh_amd64.deb
- build from source
- read compiling info from Github page
This doc has done for old AST sources.
# build ksh from and all other ast stuff
# Tested Debian + Windows Linux Subsystem (Ubuntu)
git clone --branch beta
cd ast
./bin/package make
# example I have linux.i386-64, install as root:
install -v -m755 arch/linux.i386-64/bin/ksh /usr/local/bin
echo "#!/usr/local/bin/ksh" > /usr/local/bin/mm2html
cat arch/linux.i386-64/bin/mm2html >> /usr/local/bin
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/mm2html
#install -v -m755 arch/linux.i386-64/bin/mm2html /usr/local/bin
install -v -m644 arch/linux.i386-64/man/man1/sh.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/ksh.1
/usr/local/bin/mm2html /usr/local/share/man/man1/ksh.1 > /usr/local/share/doc/ksh-2014-12-24/ksh.html
install -v -m755 -d /usr/local/share/doc/ksh-2014-12-24
install -v -m644 lib/package/{ast-open,INIT}.html /usr/local/share/doc/ksh-2014-12-24
# build ksh from and all other ast stuff
# Tested Debian + Windows Linux Subsystem (Ubuntu)
git clone --branch beta
cd ast
./bin/package make "$HOSTTYPE-static" LDFLAGS=-static
# example I have linux.i386-64, install as root:
install -v -m755 arch/"$HOSTTYPE-static"/bin/ksh /usr/local/bin
echo "#!/usr/local/bin/ksh" > /usr/local/bin/mm2html
cat arch/"$HOSTTYPE-static"/bin/mm2html >> /usr/local/bin
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/mm2html
install -v -m644 arch/"$HOSTTYPE-static"/man/man1/sh.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/ksh.1
/usr/local/bin/mm2html /usr/local/share/man/man1/ksh.1 > /usr/local/share/doc/ksh-2014-12-24/ksh.html
install -v -m755 -d /usr/local/share/doc/ksh-2014-12-24
install -v -m644 lib/package/{ast-open,INIT}.html /usr/local/share/doc/ksh-2014-12-24
Why my script using /usr/local/bin/awsh , not /bin/sh or /bin/ksh ? I have made a big mistake in my history: a *nix /bin/sh was some special sh, but system include also file ksh93, I copied it to /bin/sh. Result wasn't so nice: Next boot, no boot ...
After that I have copied correct ksh93 version to the /usr/local/bin/awsh in every host and use it in my script. => I know exactly which version I have used in my scripts and system upgrade not update it automatically.
Change my "awsh" to your ksh path as you need it.
My shell script guide finnish
My shell script guide My english - sorry ...
archive: Unix&Linux Forums
fpmurphy Super RegExp examples
- CSV parser - dynamically parse csv and use set variables same name as columns name
- date calculation - it's easy
- include some function, is example to use it
- ...
- json example, ksh manual include only read -m json, but also print and printf support JSON