Version 1.0
ALL methods on the official Telegram Bot API page
There are 2 methods
Webhooks (Setup a callback server. Telegram will send request to our server)
Long polling (We will send periodic request to Telegram server)
For now only Long Polling can be used.
Complete the toString() method with json
bot.setUpdateListener(new UpdateEvent() {
public void onUpdate(Update update) {
int hour =;
int minute =;
int second =;
String time = "[" + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + "]";
}, 1000, 100, 0, null);
Return a JSONObject
ALL methods on the official Telegram Bot API page
TelegramBot bot = new TelegramBot("xxxxxxxxx:yzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyz-yzyzyzyzyz");
First we need to create an instance of the bot using the unique token gived by Bot Father
Then we need to create the request with one of the available methods
SendMessage request = new SendMessage(chat_id, URLEncoder.encode("TEST message UTF-8", "UTF-8"));
So we must send it to the Telegram servers
Sync method:
Async method:
bot.async_execute(request, new ExecuteEvent() {
public void onExecute(JSONObject result) {
The return of method execute
is a JSONArray so we can read it
System.out.println( result.toString(4) );