The CLUE algorithm (here the gitLab repo) was adapted to run in the Gaudi software framework and to support EDM4hep data format for inputs and outputs.
If CUDA/nvcc are found on the machine, the compilation is performed automatically also for the GPU case.
The path to the nvcc compiler will be automatically taken from the machine. In this case, >=cuda10
and >=gcc11
are also required.
# source key4hep environment
source /cvmfs/
# get nvcc 11.4, if needed
source /cvmfs/
# then setup this project
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd k4Clue
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
# if installation is needed
mkdir install
cd build/ ; cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install; make install
CLUE needs three parameters: dc
, rhoc
and outlierDeltaFactor
(in the past four parameters were needed: dc
, deltao
, deltac
and rhoc
is the critical distance used to compute the local density;rhoc
is the minimum local density for a point to be promoted as a seed;outlierDeltaFactor
is a multiplicative constant to be applied todc
( deltao is the maximum distance for a point to be linked to a nearest higher point. deltac is the minimum distance for a local high density point to be promoted as a Seed. )
If the projects compiles without errors, you can go run the CLUE algorithm by
# ./build/src/clue/main [fileName] [dc] [rhoc] [outlierDeltaFactor] [useParallel] [verbose] [NumTBBThreads]
./build/src/clue/main data/input/aniso_1000.csv 20 25 2 0 1 1
#in case of only CPU
#./build/src/clue_tbb_cupla/mainCuplaCPUTBB data/input/aniso_1000.csv 20 25 2 0 1 1
The input files are data/input/*.csv
with columns
- x, y, layer, weight
The output files are data/output/*.csv
with columns
- x, y, layer, weight, rho, delta, nh, isSeed, clusterId
If the projects compiles without errors, you can go run the CLUE algorithm by
cd build/
./run ../gaudi_opts/
The input files are data/input/*.root
with data in the EDM4HEP format
CalorimeterHit collections are required CLUE parameters and input/output file name are contained
The output file output.root
contains CLUEClusters
(currently also transformed as CaloHits).
The CLIC electromagnetic calorimeter is foreseen to be a sampling calorimeter with high granularity and is thus particularly well-suited to test the CLUE algorithm.
A simple recipe follows to run k4CLUE as part of the CLIC reconstruction chain:
source /cvmfs/
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone [email protected]:key4hep/k4MarlinWrapper.git
git clone
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
ddsim --steeringFile --compactFile $LCGEO/CLIC/compact/CLIC_o3_v14/CLIC_o3_v14.xml --enableGun --gun.distribution uniform --gun.particle gamma 10*GeV --outputFile gamma_10GeV_edm4hep.root --numberOfEvents 10
cp ../../k4MarlinWrapper/test/gaudi_opts/ .
k4run --EventDataSvc.input gamma_10GeV_edm4hep.root
#You can still visualise the output in slcio with:
ced2go -d ../Visualisation/CLIC_o3_v06_CED/CLIC_o3_v06_CED.xml -s 1 Output_REC.slcio
#Run CLUE in CLIC reconstruction
cp ../../k4Clue/gaudi_opts/ .
#Run CLUE standalone
cp ../../k4Clue/gaudi_opts/ .
k4run --EventDataSvc.input my_output.root --out.filename output_clue_standalone.root
In case you have changed something from the original repo and you have rebuild the package, you should use source build/
to make k4run
aware of your new changes.
If you encounter any error when compiling or running this project, please contact:
- Erica Brondolin, [email protected]