This module allows you to monitor the rotation and the switch state of a rotary encoder from a raspberry pi. It's use shell to communicate with python awesome gaugette library.
This package has dependencies using wiringpi pins numerotation:
Then install this module that way:
npm install raspberrypi-rotary-encoder
See more examples into the 'examples' folder
const Rotary = require('raspberrypi-rotary-encoder');
// WARNING ! This is WIRINGPI pin numerotation !! please see*
const pinClk = 0;
const pinDt = 1;
const pinSwitch = 2; // Optional switch
const rotary = new Rotary(pinClk, pinDt, pinSwitch);
rotary.on("rotate", (delta) => {
console.log("Rotation :"+delta);
rotary.on("pressed", () => {
console.log("Rotary switch pressed");
rotary.on("released", () => {
console.log("Rotary switch released");
- constructor(pinClk, pinDt, [pinSwitch]).
- The clock pin number USING WIRINGPI NUMEROTATION !
- If your rotary encoder has a integrated switch you can specify it here, unless it will be ignored
Tips: Revert the order of the two first parameters to inverse the rotary values (clock-wise/ anti clock-wise)
- rotate. Fired when you rotate your rotary encoder.
- delta : int. The number of steps your rotary has just rotate.
- pressed. Fired when you press the switch of your rotary encoder.
- released. Fired when you release the switch of your rotary encoder.