This repo is created for own use based on Udemy Understanding TypeScript course.
- ESLint
- Material Icon Theme
- Path Intellisense
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Download and Install Node.js -
- Instal TypeScript
npm install -g typescript
In the project folder:
npm init
npm install --save-dev lite-server
- create app.ts file
- compile app.ts =>
tsc app.ts
=> app.js file will be created - edit package.json file, add to scripts:
"scripts": {
"start": "lite-server"
To use start script: npm run start
(or just simplay: npm start
Generate JavaScript file from TypeScript file:
- compile a single *.ts:
tsc app.ts
- to automatic recompile use watch mode:
tsc app.ts -w
Initizite a TypeScript project: tsc --init
- the init command will generate a TypeScript project config file:
- to compile all *.ts file in TypeScipt project:
- watch mode:
tsc *.ts -w
- exclude files:
"exclude" : [ "**/*.dev.ts", "" ]
- "node_modules" is excluded by default
- include files
"include" : [ "app.ts" ]
- additional included files
- **/*.ts files are included by default
- target: JavaScript version to compile
- ES5 (default) is an older version (ECMAScript 5 - 2009), but it is compatible with IE
- ES6 is newer JavaScript version (ECMAScript 2015), all modern browser support it (not compatible with IE)
- for more info about JavaScript Versions
- module: (later...)
- lib: specify libraries to be included
- if it not specified, the compiler will include all library related to target JavaScript version
- e.g.:
: acces to document, console, etc. - default setup for ES6:
"lib": [ "dom", "es6", "dom.iterable", "scripthost" ]