The XMetaDissPlus Metadata plugin for OMP has been developed at UB Heidelberg. It provides a filter to transform an OMP publication format into an XMetaDissPlus XML record. The XMetaDissPlus 2.2. format has been defined by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB).
- To generate a valid record, XMetaDissPlus requires the existence of a public identifier. You can either enable the OMP DOI plugin (
Management > Settings > Website > Plugins > Public Identifier Plugins > DOI
) that is included in OMP or install and enable the URN DNB plugin for OMP.
git clone omp/plugins/metadata/xmdp22
php omp/tools/upgrade.php upgrade
You can report issues here:
This software is released under the the GNU General Public License.
See the COPYING included with OMP for the terms of this license.