The LDIF Generator will generate random, fictitious, LDIF records that can be imported into LDAP server or other applications for testing.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To run the application, download the original compiled versions from ldapwiki extract the ZIP or TAR file, and follow the steps in the extracted README
We use Gradle as our build tool of choice. See individual project READMEs
for details.
To build, you must have at least JDK 8. The project output currently targets Java 1.4.
You should also read notes on Java Versions And Running Programs
Please read for our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Jim Willeke - Initial work - jwilleke
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Program was orginally from LDAPWIKI and now open source.
We had used the DBGEN.PL, sorry do not know the origins of assume SUN Microsystems,program and had several problems with some of the aspects of the output that was generated. The attributes that used distinguished names, DBGEN only provided RDNs for these entries. When we were working with eDirectory or with Microsoft Active Directory, it actually does some referential integrity checking that would prevent the importing of DN attributes that were not valid. The LDIF Generator tool will create valid manager and secretary relationships within the appropriate order.
In addition, we wanted to generate some large trees and demo some of the Organizational chart programs that would work against a LDAP instance that would simulate a real organization.
Out of these issues with DBGEN, we wrote LDIFGen. Which is a Java program that should work with Java on "nearly" any platform that has Java.
You must generate at least 10 records. There is no maximum determined. (There could be some resource issues at very large numbers over 1,000,000) Below we show typical screen output of the tool generating about 500 entries/sec:
Generating 100000 entries.
With People entries With 40 OUs entries
Using CN in Distinguished NameIn the dc=willeke, dc=com context
For the Generic Server Type
Generating 100000 entries took 3 minute(s) 19 second(s) or 502.513 entries/seconds
Here are a few records from a sample output when using the "Generic" output:
dn: ou=Payroll,dc=willeke, dc=com
changetype: add
ou: Payroll
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=1000002, ou=Payroll, dc=willeke, dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: 1000002
cn: KayC
sn: Kay
description: This is Chicky Kay's description
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 210-3794
l: Alameda
ou: Payroll
postalAddress: Payroll$Alameda
telephoneNumber: +1 213 993-9665
title: Elite Payroll Assistant
userPassword: Kay
uid: KayC
givenName: Chicky
mail: [email protected]
carLicense: RR3XG6
departmentNumber: 8982
employeeType: Contract
homePhone: +1 213 492-4709
initials: C. K.
mobile: +1 213 915-4261
pager: +1 213 780-4510
roomNumber: 9562
secretary: cn=100135, ou=Human Resources, dc=willeke, dc=com
manager: cn=100474, ou=Administrative, dc=willeke, dc=com