Hi, Welcome to Brightness control using hand gestures.
This project uses Google's Open source framework used for media processing. It will be used to detect Hand Gestures in our project.
It achieves brightness control using Powershell on windows.
Currently the project requires the use of python and pip to install packages.
- OpenCV: To install OpenCV, open your favourite terminal and use the following command.
pip install opencv-python
- mediapipe: To install Mediapipe use the following command.
pip install mediapipe
Clone this repository on your local machine using the following command.
git clone https://github.com/Tushar-Bhatia-21/Brightness_control_Hand_gestures.git
- Open your favourite IDE, such as Vscode and open the main.py file in your IDE.
- Make sure to enter the absolute path of the scripts as given in main.py.
- If you wish to edit out the rate of increment or decrement, the .ps1 scripts can be edited.
- If you have completed all the above steps correctly, just click on Run.
The Right hand is used to increase the brightness, and the left hand is used to decrease the brightness. Just hover the hand in front of your camera to see the magic.